Super Freak
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.
The Eye 6/10
Asylum (2008) 1/10
The Eye 6/10
Asylum (2008) 1/10
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30 Days Of Night 2/10
It could have been an easy 7-8/10 if the vampires weren't so ef'n lame. The gore is beyond stupid in this film. It's beyond me that there are people that enjoy gory ^^^^.
I enjoyed Minus Man, as well. Owen Wilson is such a strange guy, and always seems to me to be a bit disconnected from others in his movies. I thought that worked for him in that role, since serial killers are supposed to be so detached. In fact, he is among the most "believable" serial killers I've seen in film. Up there with Henry.
Max Payne - Made me want to cancel my HBO just for showing it out of 10