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War of the Worlds (2005) - 7/10. I know some hate this version but for some reason I just love it. The Tripods are one of the most well done and terrifying movie "monsters" ever. Cruise didnt ham it up, he seemed like a genuinely frustrated father character. The kids are a bit annoying but I can overlook it. I watch it a couple times a year.

I also enjoy this film, only watched it again a few weeks ago.
While I do think that Spielberg's WOTW loses its way a bit during the lengthy cabin sequence and the subplot with the son who survives is outright goofy it otherwise has an incredible tone and an almost palpable sense of dread. The visuals are first rate as well. Overall I've enjoyed it since it was released.
I loved WOTW—thought it was one of Spielberg’s best in a very long time, and in my mind hasn’t made as good a movie since (with the exception of maybe Bridge of Spies). I thought he recreated that confusion and panic that sets in after a catastrophic event, borrowing imagery heavily from 9/11 and the NY blackout of 2003. The tripod attacks and the scene where everyone is fighting over the car are magnificent. And the music is also one of Williams’s best.
I thought Minority Report was great up until they put the halo on him in the lakehouse. From there it took a steep nosedive into "token feel good Spielberg" territory that tainted the rest of the picture IMO. I actually prefer to pretend that the entire ending was just an idyllic dream he had while in permanent stasis.
Minority Report was also very good IMO.

I agree wholeheartedly. It's a shame that Cruise and Spielberg had an apparent falling out because those two movies were some of their best work for both of them. They made a great team.

Edit: Khev, I agree to an extent. Yes, it would have been a ballsy move to end the movie with Anderton confronting Crowe and maybe ultimately deciding not to kill him (like it happened in the movie), just to show that we all still have free will and that the pre-cog program maybe didn't work after all. It would have made it all more poignant and made a better point/moral, and it still would have a happy ending since Anderton doesn't go through with the murder. But in the end I'm fine with the movie as it is--I can see that act 3 stuff adding to the film-noir aspect that Spielberg was going for, showing that corruption went all the way to the top.
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I love Tom Cruise in movies but even putting aside the Scientology, he seems like an enbearable person to be around for long.
Oh? I never heard that.

I had read an article several years ago. Basically he was trying to impose his Scientology ways to Spielberg and Capshaw. Who knows if it's really true or not, but the fact remains that they haven't worked together since those two huge blockbusters. A Spielberg/Cruise collaboration is a license to print cash and Hollywood is not one to leave money on the table like that.

Here's a link to an article about the fallout:

I love Tom Cruise in movies but even putting aside the Scientology, he seems like an unbearable person to be around for long.

He comes off as an insufferable prick who's been around nothing but yes men for three decades.

His self proclaimed PHD in Psychiatry interview. I think he's read too much into his own knowledge by reading articles on his phone when dropping a deuce.
X2: X-Men United: 8/10 Awesome X-men flick, my favorite of the OG trilogy.

It'll always be my favorite of the first three. I need to watch X2 again to see how it holds up to the newer films.

BTW, this will in no way change pturtle's opinion of SS.:lol

He comes off as an insufferable prick who's been around nothing but yes men for three decades.

His self proclaimed PHD in Psychiatry interview. I think he's read too much into his own knowledge by reading articles on his phone when dropping a deuce.

That was so long ago and he looked like he was having a mental episode at the time. I think I've enjoyed the movies he's made post nervous breakdown more than the films he did before it, with an exception for A Few Good Men which is classic.
It'll always be my favorite of the first three. I need to watch X2 again to see how it holds up to the newer films.

BTW, this will in no way change pturtle's opinion of SS.:lol

:lol me and pturtle agree on few things, x2 being one of them.

It actually holds up really well! the last time I watched it was when DOFP hit theaters, and it's aged really well since then.
Yea, I think we agree on everything except SS :lol

But yea X2 holds up incredibly well, it really was ahead of its time.

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Trainwreck - 8/10
Best Apatow-directed comedy I've seen. And kudos to LeBron and Cena for their comedic timing. Top-notch performances from everyone.

Keanu - 6/10
Love Key and Peele, but this didn't feel as inspired as the show.
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I never had any intention of watching Trainwreck but now that I know that it is literally perfect and up there with the greatest works of Scorsese, Lean, Hitchcock and Spielberg I don't know that I can resist. I never had any idea it was that good, really looking forward to it now. :rock
I never had any intention of watching Trainwreck but now that I know that it is literally perfect and up there with the greatest works of Scorsese, Lean, Hitchcock and Spielberg I don't know that I can resist. I never had any idea it was that good, really looking forward to it now. :rock

Well, my rating scale is based on my enjoyment of it. 5 and 6 are average, 5 being the negative side (checking my watch) and 6 being the positive side (finding the film entertaining on a basic level). A 10 means I was actively engaged and wouldn't have changed even the smallest thing. It also helps that I'm a fan of Apatow's style, though I've never given any of his films this enthusiastic of a score.

And I wouldn't bring Scorsese and Hitchcock into it. :lol Not sure there's such a thing as a canon of objective good. For instance, I think Citizen Kane is an 8 at best. Great performances, groundbreaking cinematography and a decent story, but it did drag somewhat for me. Some scenes were electric and others, not so much.
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