Super Freak
Logan's Run (1976) - 8.25/10
I'd never actually seen this film until now. As it started I was rolling my eyes at what I thought would be a cheesy and kinky "Barbarella" successor and ended up getting really sucked into the story. The amount of sci-fi films that ripped off various elements of this movie is quite substantial. Total Recall, Minority Report, Avatar, even Wall E. And I won't say that it hurt the film that Jenny Agutter's outfit got skimpier and skimpier as the film went on. She was always a cutie back in the day, I remember having the hots for her in American Werewolf in London and it's pretty shocking that she kept herself in such great shape that we as the audience could totally buy into the fact that as a 60 year old woman in The Winter Soldier her figure was indistinguishable from Scarlett Johansson's!Quite the contrast to certain other 1970's beauties who, shall we say, somewhat let themselves go. Not to name names...
Anyway I really liked the verisimilitude achieved by Logan's Run with how the characters acted and interacted with each other. It did a great job of portraying this heightened and odd futuristic society that is "normal" to its citizens and taken for granted. Michael York did a great job, didn't overact as you often see in films of this type and from that era, and the score by Jerry Goldsmith was very well done too.
The visual effects and miniatures absolutely do NOT hold up (and were utterly demolished only one year later by a certain production helmed by a young George Lucas) but if you can let yourself be immersed in the story the low-tech visuals have a certain harmless charm to them.
It's cool that you finally managed to see this, I can't even imagine what it must be like to watch it for the first time so long after it was made, I'm sure it offers much more perspective.
I also forget, maybe because how it looks, that it only came out a very short time before Star Wars. In that way it really underlines the giant step forward fx and cinema made because of Lucas.