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Also, I've probably seen that movie 3 times total. So, that probably affects my perspective a bit. I've seen Dark Knight Rises twice. If you get over-exposed to these things, I think some psychological pushback is inevitable.

I know a lot of people who like the Hulk still love The Avengers. It definitely was a love letter to Hulk and IM fans. I wouldn't say Avengers has been over-exposed (no more so than the entire MCU as a whole.) I saw it twice in the theater and maybe 3 or 4 times since. TDKR I think I'm up to four times now. Obviously I've seen many films more than double those amounts and those haven't diminished in my eyes.


That's funny, I actually watched this last night for the first time in a few years as well.

The only thing I can really knock points off for, is for that horrible design of the bat(wing) and a crawling first 40 minutes. But it's still one of the greatest to end a trilogy. solid 8.5/10 in my book.

Funny, people hate the Bat but I really like it. It's weird that the made it an ant lion but I think it works in the movie. I love that final chase at the end. I think TDKR suffers if you watch bits and pieces of it and think about its sillier moments after the fact. Of course you notice silly moments while watching the movie especially the one-two punch of "no I came back to stop you" and Talia's death but I found that when I invested the full two and a half hours to experience it in one sitting it was still one heck of an experience.

It's a dropoff in quality yes but so was ROTJ, Last Crusade, and Alien 3. I put TDKR in the same category as those (as opposed to say Spider-Man 3.) And man, the IMAX cinematography is SO freaking gorgeous.
Funny, people hate the Bat but I really like it. It's weird that the made it an ant lion but I think it works in the movie. I love that final chase at the end. I think TDKR suffers if you watch bits and pieces of it and think about its sillier moments after the fact. Of course you notice silly moments while watching the movie especially the one-two punch of "no I came back to stop you" and Talia's death but I found that when I invested the full two and a half hours to experience it in one sitting it was still one heck of an experience.

It's a dropoff in quality yes but so was ROTJ, Last Crusade, and Alien 3. I put TDKR in the same category as those (as opposed to say Spider-Man 3.) And man, the IMAX cinematography is SO freaking gorgeous.

I don't mind the bat design, I just wish they would have went with something a little more traditional like 89'. Agreed on it being in the same category as ROTJ, Indy 3 I'd also group it up with ROTK.
The Hunt for Red October (1990) 6.8/10

20 years ago I would've rated this a 9. Now it seems half the dialogue seems cringe worthy and the under water effects have aged terribly.

I made the horrible mistake of reading the novel days before the movie hit theaters. As a result I was never very happy with it, even back in the day. Too bad it hasn't aged well, McTiernan really seems to be an 80's legend (Predator and Die Hard) and that's about it.

The Witch (2015) I don't want no butter/10

It's seriously difficult for me to rate the film because it's high quality stuff while not trying to be Oscar bait material but I just wasn't particularly entertained. That might be because the film delivers its most horrendous moment so early on that everything else did not register with me. It could also be that I recently watched The Conjuring 2 which is far less original than The VVitch but has more thrilling moments. Funny thing is I like the less Hollywood ending of The VVITCH more than The Conjuring 2 but somehow I felt unsatisfied with The VVitch.

The Witch actually came out this year. :) Of the films I've seen in the theater I'd rank The VVitch #1 as far as being worthy of awards but as far as thrillers go I "enjoyed" The Shallows and 10 Cloverfield Lane more (though all three almost couldn't be more different from one another.)

I don't mind the bat design, I just wish they would have went with something a little more traditional like 89'. Agreed on it being in the same category as ROTJ, Indy 3 I'd also group it up with ROTK.

I put ROTK and CW on the top shelf of trilogy conclusions. If you count Leone's "Dollars" films as being a true trilogy then I'd add The Good the Bad and the Ugly to the list.
I made the horrible mistake of reading the novel days before the movie hit theaters. As a result I was never very happy with it, even back in the day. Too bad it hasn't aged well, McTiernan really seems to be an 80's legend (Predator and Die Hard) and that's about it.

The Witch actually came out this year. :) Of the films I've seen in the theater I'd rank The VVitch #1 as far as being worthy of awards but as far as thrillers go I "enjoyed" The Shallows and 10 Cloverfield Lane more (though all three almost couldn't be more different from one another.)

I put ROTK and CW on the top shelf of trilogy conclusions. If you count Leone's "Dollars" films as being a true trilogy then I'd add The Good the Bad and the Ugly to the list.

Type The Witch in Google and see what year it says. I just copy and paste the title and year. :)
Witch did have an unusual pace to it. I thought it was very effective at what it was doing for that reason, and was good, but didn't click with me in the ways that the horror movies I really love do.
Type The Witch in Google and see what year it says. I just copy and paste the title and year. :)

Hmm, if it had a Film Festival release in 2015 I would have thought it would have been eligible for the 2016 Oscars. The awards must go by official theatrical release dates then? I guess I'm getting rusty on eligibility requirements.
The Revenant still got a limited theatrical release on Christmas 2015. So festivals must not count, only official theatrical releases (whether they be limited or wide) which is why The VVitch is still considered a 2016 film as far as awards are concerned. It only played at one-off festivals until showing in theaters on February 19th.
The Hunt for Red October (1990) 6.8/10

20 years ago I would've rated this a 9. Now it seems half the dialogue seems cringe worthy and the under water effects have aged terribly.

I LOVE that movie but I haven't watched it in a long time either but I can't imagine it would have aged that badly. Sure, the effects could have aged, but I remember it had such great character moments and acting. I wouldn't think those things are diminished with time. Now I'm scared to watch it again!

I agree that it was Baldwin's best movie role (his 30 Rock character is his best!), and I would say he's been the best Jack Ryan too. I even like him over Harrison Ford, who I love as an actor but felt he just wasn't right for Ryan.
It's aged a bit for me, but I still love it. Alec Baldwin was excellent, probably his best role IMO.

I need to watch Miami Blues again because i always considered that to be his best movie role, followed by Hunt for Red October.

I LOVE that movie but I haven't watched it in a long time either but I can't imagine it would have aged that badly. Sure, the effects could have aged, but I remember it had such great character moments and acting. I wouldn't think those things are diminished with time. Now I'm scared to watch it again!

I agree that it was Baldwin's best movie role (his 30 Rock character is his best!), and I would say he's been the best Jack Ryan too. I even like him over Harrison Ford, who I love as an actor but felt he just wasn't right for Ryan.

I like both Ford and Baldwin in the role. I've yet to watch Affleck and Pines in their movies as Jack Ryan.

I think the movie was so novel in its approach back in the day that it covered up some of the flaws. McTiernan's style probably had a lot to do with making the film seem much better back then than what it actually is.
I saw it again a couple years back and didn't find the dialogue problematic. I surely don't think films have progressed, to the point where we now have much better dialogue than we had in the past. Films in the '70s, generally speaking, were a high water mark in this regard.
I saw it again a couple years back and didn't find the dialogue problematic. I surely don't think films have progressed, to the point where we now have much better dialogue than we had in the past. Films in the '70s, generally speaking, were a high water mark in this regard.

I'm rewatching it. Not as bad I probably made it out to be but there is still some cringy dialogue that didn't bother me years ago. Going to revise my score a bit.
The Hunt for Red October, I think I've only seen it in parts. Don't think I have it because if I did I'm sure I would have given it a full watch by now.

The submarine movie I've probably seen more than any other is U571 - the one with Matthew McConaughey, Harvey Keitel, Bill Paxton etc.