Also, I've probably seen that movie 3 times total. So, that probably affects my perspective a bit. I've seen Dark Knight Rises twice. If you get over-exposed to these things, I think some psychological pushback is inevitable.
I know a lot of people who like the Hulk still love The Avengers. It definitely was a love letter to Hulk and IM fans. I wouldn't say Avengers has been over-exposed (no more so than the entire MCU as a whole.) I saw it twice in the theater and maybe 3 or 4 times since. TDKR I think I'm up to four times now. Obviously I've seen many films more than double those amounts and those haven't diminished in my eyes.
That's funny, I actually watched this last night for the first time in a few years as well.
The only thing I can really knock points off for, is for that horrible design of the bat(wing) and a crawling first 40 minutes. But it's still one of the greatest to end a trilogy. solid 8.5/10 in my book.
Funny, people hate the Bat but I really like it. It's weird that the made it an ant lion but I think it works in the movie. I love that final chase at the end. I think TDKR suffers if you watch bits and pieces of it and think about its sillier moments after the fact. Of course you notice silly moments while watching the movie especially the one-two punch of "no I came back to stop you" and Talia's death but I found that when I invested the full two and a half hours to experience it in one sitting it was still one heck of an experience.
It's a dropoff in quality yes but so was ROTJ, Last Crusade, and Alien 3. I put TDKR in the same category as those (as opposed to say Spider-Man 3.) And man, the IMAX cinematography is SO freaking gorgeous.