Conan The Barbarian - 6.5/10 As a long time Conan fan, I never felt the need to watch this or Momoa's movie, and it seems I wasn't missing out on anything.
Pretty nice looking movie and it aged well, but holy **** was Arnie a huge miscast, I suppose there was no one else to play Conan, but Arnie sure ain't Conan, no agility of a panther, no quick wit, which was a waste because Arnie is charismatic, but in this? Conan is a dumb brute and mostly a nodding mute, not only that, Arnie's too aryan looking to play Conan

I haven't seen Momoa's movie either, but I have a hunch if it was Momoa in this movie, movie would've been better, at least Momoa looks like Conan more.
I would've ignored all that if the movie was a bit better though, in the script department.
I suppose it was a nice amalgam of various stories told serviceably at best, since I think it failed to capture that Hyborian age mystique that Robert E. Howard describes so well, I did appreciate that Belit moment in the final battle, I kept thinking how the girl kinda reminded me of her

and this scene at the beginning and the outro, among others, like I said, it is a nice looking movie. And the music was fantastic.