Conan: The Barbarian (2011) - 1/10 Holy crap what a mess. Movie gets a point because Momoa
looks dead-on like Conan, although he overacted the **** out of it, with proper direction he could've been the perfect Conan, but no.... At least he looks like him.. He really did look cool though, and moved just like I'd expect form Conan, if only he had his square mane, blue contacts and wasn't such a goofy try-hard... The movie wouldn't be any better
It's a
you killed my father story again, only with an abysmal villain, even worse supporting characters, worse script, worse music, cinematography, editing, bad green screen, bad all of it... Also, trying to make Conan a bad ass good guy freeing slaves for no reason, nah, "No man should leave in chains"

Conan wouldn't give 2 ****s, he'd only free slaves if he had a reason to or if there was a passing benefit for him.