Yeah, I really liked Annihilation too. I'll probably end up picking it up on 4K.
Annihilation - 8/10
Holy cow WTF did I just watch. I'm still processing this. So let me get this straight....
An alien lands at the light tower, can create or mimic a current lifeform, Kane lights himself on fire, tells his Clone/Copy to find Lena, he does, she goes in the shimmer, allows a copy of herself to be made, tricks that copy into lighting itself on fire with the phosphorus grenade and in turn burns up the alien's nest. THEN....all Garth from Wayne's World, Lena comes out to figure out the copy of Kane isn't Kane and they both hug- THE END? WTF? Complete mind F
Watch the original for fast paced hi-octane thrills.
Watch the original for fast paced hi-octane thrills.
Yeah nothing beats that scene in 1978 when Michael Myers jumped his motorcycle out of the second story of the insane asylum as the building exploded and then collapsed behind him.
Watch the original for fast paced hi-octane thrills.
Yeah nothing beats that scene in 1978 when Michael Myers jumped his motorcycle out of the second story of the insane asylum as the building exploded and then collapsed behind him.
I likes the nuclear explosion at the Meyers house, and the subsequent enhanced Shape that resulted
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Sounds awesome.
New film has a bunch of Millennials with boring dialogue talking about something that happed 40 years ago and some crazy old lady thinking she's Sarah Connor or something. You'd think this Meyers guy was Liam Neeson bad, but he's not.
The Man Who Killed Hitler and then The Big Foot 5/10.. wanted to actually like this film much more just because of the Title.Just didn't pull me in even though the concept was kind of cool.
Is it a serious movie or a comedy?