The Clown Prince of Crime
Super Freak
The most brutal we've seen John up until this point is the throat-ripping and machete disemboweling in Rambo (2008). In the first three films, he uses guns and bows for long range kills and knives for close quarters.
In Last Blood, he pulls out and snaps a guy's rib, decapitates a dude and keeps his head just to toss it out on the highway, and finally rips the main villain's heart out to hold it in front of his face. It's hard to believe that a guy who took offense to being called "all kinds of vile crap" upon returning from Vietnam would be so theatrical with his kills forty years later. I mean I'm no military expert, but these techniques aren't exactly out of the manual, are they? We've known since '82 that the character has issues, but the character has some issues.
I love the throat ripping scene because he used that move in First Blood against the cop.

As for his actions in Last Blood, I guess it was more personal this time, so he was "unleashed" sort of speak. I'm not a fan of the, the movie didn't look or feel like a Rambo film to me anyways. His acting was good and he was in character even if he didn't look like it.