The Clown Prince of Crime
Super Freak
It's still a fun movie (and the T-Rex & Raptor CGI still holds up well today), but every time I see it I marvel at how the T-Rex scene is lauded despite the fact that it contains one of the biggest continuity blunders in movie history. It starts by the T-Rex sauntering out of its pen between the two Explorers and it ends when it pushes the first Explorer over the embankment of the same pen, but suddenly the ground within that pen is about 100 feet lower in elevation.I mean seriously, how the hell does that make sense? It wasn't raining that hard, so I think we can rule out massive erosion during that 4-5 minute time period. Maybe T-Rexes know how to climb trees? If so, they only like to climb UP.
Yeah, that was a big blunder. Also, in retrospect, the dino designs aren't even accurate to what experts believe the dinosaurs looked like in real life. Apparently they all had feathers and looked like giant chickens.