Rex Tremendae Majestatis
I hope you enjoy it!Been meaning to watch this for awhile. I definitely need to check it out.
I hope you enjoy it!Been meaning to watch this for awhile. I definitely need to check it out.
Relatively speaking i completely agreement with these assessments although i haven’t seen Isle of Dogs yet. Normally love Anderson but Moonrise and Darjeeling did nothing for me. I would put Fantastic Mr Fox much higher mainly because i grew up with the book and my kids love it too and Grand Budapest might be my favorite overall. French Dispatch is really good too!The Royal Tenenbaums - 8/10
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou - 7.5/10
The Darjeeling Limited - 6.5/10
Fantastic Mr. Fox - 7.5/10
Moonrise Kingdom - 5/10
The Grand Budapest Hotel - 7.5/10
Isle of Dogs - 8/10
I haven't been able to track down Bottle Rocket yet. I watched some of them on Disney+ and others I had on Blu-Ray, but I haven't found Bottle Rocket yet, so I'll keep on the lookout. Same for The French Dispatch, but seeing that it fairly recent I'm sure it'll pop up on one streamingservice or another soon.I'm also not the biggest fan of Rushmore, though I haven't seen it in many years. For me, the best Anderson movie is Tenenbaums, followed by Zissou and Bottle Rocket, and the others are kind of middling to forgettable on my list. I respect that he has a style and sensibility all his own, and enjoy it, but at this point there are diminishing returns.
By the way, I'm pretty sure there was a scene in Loki where Owen Wilson was referencing his character in Bottle Rocket making bird noises.
I absolutely loved Isle of Dogs. Didn't think I would like it that much. The animation was beautiful and the story really had heart. Highly recommended.Relatively speaking i completely agreement with these assessments although i haven’t seen Isle of Dogs yet. Normally love Anderson but Moonrise and Darjeeling did nothing for me. I would put Fantastic Mr Fox much higher mainly because i grew up with the book and my kids love it too and Grand Budapest might be my favorite overall. French Dispatch is really good too!
I saw it when it first came out, so thankfully my opinion wasn't tainted by the broad comedies that those guys were more known for later on. I need to rewatch it myself as it's been a few years, but that movie is moving and relatable to me in a way that many others aren't, despite the quirkiness of Anderson's filmmaking style. The relationships, and emotional experiences of the characters resonate. The scene where Luke attempts suicide sticks with me. It was shocking and yet felt so logical and authentic. I think it is a great film.I hadn't seen The Royal Tenenbaums in many years. And when I saw it all those years ago I found it hard to appreciate because seeing it had Ben Stiller and Owen and Luke Wilson, I expected a comedy in the style of Starsky and Hutch or Old School. I wasn't ready for what we got. I was looking to watch it again a couple of years now, but it wasn't exactly easy to come by on Blu Ray over here, so luckily it was available on D+.
Weirdly enough I totally forgot that Richy attempts suicide. I remembered that he cut his hair and beard and that was it. So yeah, that was quite shocking, but like you say felt very authentic. There were lots of things I seem to have forgotten since my only watch all those years ago. To the point that my basic recollection of the film was that I knew who was in it, some specific scenes and a general idea that it's about a dysfunctional family.I saw it when it first came out, so thankfully my opinion wasn't tainted by the broad comedies that those guys were more known for later on. I need to rewatch it myself as it's been a few years, but that movie is moving and relatable to me in a way that many others aren't, despite the quirkiness of Anderson's filmmaking style. The relationships, and emotional experiences of the characters resonate. The scene where Luke attempts suicide sticks with me. It was shocking and yet felt so logical and authentic. I think it is a great film.
It was OK. Ending definitely one of the weakest in the franchise.Spiral: From the Book of Saw - 6/10
Wasn't too bad. Quite gory at times. The whole ending revelation was a bit meh.
TCM:1/10Watched the new Texas Chainsaw movie on netflix. Complete garbage and nothing really makes any sense in it. Especially with tying into the original with a certain character.