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Curious, do you know if this was the directors cut? I only saw this once when it first came out and was utterly bored by it. This and Public Enemies are the only Mann films I don’t really like.
It was whatever came on Netflix, so I'm not sure. I rented Miami Vice from the library before watching it on Netflix for the sake of convenience, but then started watching the director's commentary and found out the Blu Ray was the director's version (or as Mann would put it, the director's alternative version) with a totally different opening scene. Didn't realize that was a thing with his movies.
Curious, do you know if this was the directors cut? I only saw this once when it first came out and was utterly bored by it. This and Public Enemies are the only Mann films I don’t really like.

If you hear "In The Air Tonight" right before the gun battle at the dock yard, then it's the extended version.

Mann wasn't forced to trim the running time at all. He was coming off of Heat and Collateral and Foxx was generating prestige Oscar buzz. There was faith that Mann could pull it together because he made Last Of The Mohicans work against the odds. ( Fenimore Cooper's book was seen as close to impossible to effectively convert to film)

The movie seems roughly truncated in major sections because eventually the money spigot got cut off. Was going way over budget and investors were furious. Big money was laid out for a project in the vein of Heat and Collateral, not so Mann could experiment with digital and lose total control. Mann was told he had to edit something together what he had on hand at the time. At the time, there was concern that if production didn't stop, that Farrell would snort himself to death somewhere that couldn't be controlled with standard industry media spin.

One of the early treatments was supposed to be Denzel Washington vs Tom Cruise. They were partners but one had really lost himself into the criminal world and the line between undercover and rogue disappeared. The sticking point was the criminal organization at the core were drug running Aryans. You can kind of see who would have had to play the Aryan and why he wouldn't do it as it would crush his individual bankability and brand.

Enjoy most of what Mann has made, but IMHO, MV should have never been made as such. Some things are meant to be only TV shows and can only thrive with long form storytelling. Some of the same narrative problems of MV were inherent in Ender's Game, another beloved story that needed three full seasons of prestige TV instead of Harrison Ford mailing it in yet again. A consideration is many of the "great" filmmakers really only tell one kind of story. Everything James Gunn has done is really the same story over and over again. Mann does cat and mouse very well. Once he edges out of that zone, you start to see the cracks.
Logan Lucky - 7/10
A solid heist movie. A poor man's Ocean's Eleven kinda thing. Also directed by Steven Soderbergh. Adam Driver and Daniel Craig were really good in this.
I watched "Gran Turismo" this morning cause I was bored.

Pretty bad. Pretty lousy movie.

They spent a lot of money on locations and fast cars and stuff. But apparently they couldn't be bothered to spend $5 writing a script that doesn't have the lousiest, dumbed down, imbecilic dialogue since Tommy Wiseau's The Room. And FOUR people were credited for the script!

I absolutely think movies get dumber by the year, especially ones that are desperate to appeal to as wide of audiences as possible, but this stupid thing featured dialogue written for 5 year olds by 5 year olds.

It's no wonder they went on strike cause they're afraid of being replaced by algorithms. This movie 100% felt like it was written by a computer program just filling in words on a ready-made template. Absolutely horrid excuse for a script. And they spent well over $100 million on this turd and it had a lower opening than Blue Beetle. It deserved to flop and the studios deserve to bleed money if this is the garbage they produce.
Scream VI - 7/10

Again, enjoyable movie, I'm not looking for high art in a slasher as the imdb reviewers seem to be.

Utterly preposterous though. Every character should be dead by the end, they could stabbed and shot so many times.
Scream VI - 7/10

They really pump those out, don't they? The modern day Friday the 13th franchise.
"Henry Sugar" on Netflix....

Usually I can't stand Wes Andersen, especially his later material. He just loves the smell of his own precious little farts too much.

This short, however, was excellent. Maybe it's cause it's based on a Roald Dahl story.

Great cast, really fun and clever, and not nearly as obnoxious as Andersen's later period output.
Crash: 6.5/10

Cronenberg is, in my opinion, one of the greatest living filmmakers. And I appreciate what he was trying to do here. Well made of course but this didn't resonate with me at all. It was impactful though, and will stick with me.

Laura: 7.5/10

Wonderful movie. A twist you don't see coming and a great film noir.

The Big Lebowski: 10

Possibly the greatest comedy ever made. Never get tired of this movie and how brilliant and hilarious it is.
Creepshow: 9/10

One of the great horror films in my opinion. All the stories are great, and they fit together perfectly. Romero and King at the height of their creative abilities. Acting was also terrific. Fun and memorable. Love this one.
Star Trek Generations 6.5/10
Not the best, not the worst. Just slightly above ok. I think the script needed a couple more passes. The large miniature crash of the Enterprise saucer section is d**n impressive though.

Superman 2 The Donner Cut 6/10
An interesting experiment but one that ultimately fails because it’s so sloppily put together. I know they were on a limited budget but those insert CG shots are some of the worst things I’ve ever seen. Tbh it makes me appreciate the Lester version more.

Creepshow 6.5/10
Fun but not as good as I remember it. Only The Crate and They’re Creeping Up On You I would call great. Something To Tide You Over is decent and the rest is trash.
Thief: 8/10

Though it was his first theatrical film, still one of Mann's best. The ending is so damn good. This seems like the mold from which almost all his other movies were created.

The Caine Mutiny Court Martial: 7/10

Well acted, good drama, not the worst thing for Friedkin to end his career with though nothing mind blowing. Though the stories are told in very different ways, I need to rawatch the Bogart movie and see how it compares.

Airplane: 7.5/10

There are times when I'm in the mood for this, and when I am there is nothing better. Leslie Nielson was a national treasure.

Public Enemies: 6.5/10

Nowhere near Mann's best work, in fact pretty by the numbers compared to his usual work, but still enjoyable with good acting throughout.

The Stranger (Australian movie): 7.5/10

Great mood, wonderful performances, really disturbing. Borders on suspense horror at times. I dig it.
Star Trek Generations 6.5/10
Not the best, not the worst. Just slightly above ok. I think the script needed a couple more passes. The large miniature crash of the Enterprise saucer section is d**n impressive though.

Superman 2 The Donner Cut 6/10
An interesting experiment but one that ultimately fails because it’s so sloppily put together. I know they were on a limited budget but those insert CG shots are some of the worst things I’ve ever seen. Tbh it makes me appreciate the Lester version more.

Creepshow 6.5/10
Fun but not as good as I remember it. Only The Crate and They’re Creeping Up On You I would call great. Something To Tide You Over is decent and the rest is trash.
The perfect cut of Supes 2 is if they combine the Jorel Father becomes the Son scene to the Lester and I think the film is perfect with that Mashup.
I watched "Gran Turismo" this morning cause I was bored.

Pretty bad. Pretty lousy movie.

They spent a lot of money on locations and fast cars and stuff. But apparently they couldn't be bothered to spend $5 writing a script that doesn't have the lousiest, dumbed down, imbecilic dialogue since Tommy Wiseau's The Room. And FOUR people were credited for the script!

I absolutely think movies get dumber by the year, especially ones that are desperate to appeal to as wide of audiences as possible, but this stupid thing featured dialogue written for 5 year olds by 5 year olds.

It's no wonder they went on strike cause they're afraid of being replaced by algorithms. This movie 100% felt like it was written by a computer program just filling in words on a ready-made template. Absolutely horrid excuse for a script. And they spent well over $100 million on this turd and it had a lower opening than Blue Beetle. It deserved to flop and the studios deserve to bleed money if this is the garbage they produce.
I don't think it was THAT bad. It's very watchable? Wait they spent over 100 million?

No Way!!!!!

I thought the films driving scenes were unique but suffers from modern agendas. There is no real love story nor attractive people. The movie lacks beauty and sex appeal....because in modern movies, having nice things is unacceptable.
Yeah. Noticed that right away. Main character is rather goofy-looking, but his girlfriend is absolutely a plain jane. It's a very noticeable trend the last 10-15 years.
Yeah. Noticed that right away. Main character is rather goofy-looking, but his girlfriend is absolutely a plain jane. It's a very noticeable trend the last 10-15 years.
Right now I am re-watching Night Of the Demons and all the girls are sexy...and well horny....lol

What a sad state of affairs the world is in. Beautiful people cannot be in movies, means well less watch-ability/audience.
I usually say one I have yet to see, Flowers of The Killer Moon could be next, but the run time 4 hours with ads is pushing the envelope. The Distributors need to include an intermission for long films, even the most resilient or lucky shall find it demanding.
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I usually say one I have yet to see, Flowers of The Killer Moon could be next, but the run time 4 hours with ads is pushing the envelope. The Distributors need to include an intermission for long films, even the most hardly or lucky shall find it demanding.
That’s insane. I just watched a great recent French film Petite Maman and its only 70 minutes long!