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Hit Man -- 8/10

A very fun little movie that's definitely worth checking out. Not sure I totally bought Glen Powell as a dweeb, but he's still fantastic in this and the story takes some surprising and interesting turns.
Jurassic World: Dominion -
Love it! Just watched it on cable tv - the extended version..
which is only 14 minutes longer. I like how the original main cast from Jurassic Parks 1, 2, and 3 are in this.. along with the guy who brought the dinosaurs back.. the main cast from the Jurassic World movies... and a few new characters whom I like, as well!

The movie has plenty of action, and we learn a few new things about some of the characters, too.

Great movie! 👍👍👍👍👍
A Quiet Place - Day One - 8/10

Really enjoyed this after a rewatch of the first one with the kids.
Good characters and some nice tense moments. Maybe not as edge-of-your-seat as the first movie, but a very solid story from a different vantage point. Totally fine if they make one or two more of these at this quality.
Seven Samurai: 10/10

Wonderful. The story is nuanced and compelling, with several interesting subplots that speak both to Japanese culture at the time and the university of the human condition. The acting is top notch. Mifune in top form in a role completely different from Yojimbo, though Takashi Shimura and Seiji Miyaguchi were also amazing and memorable. Miyaguchi is one of the great all time movie badasses here. And of course, Kurosawa's craftsmanship is second to none. The drama, action, suspense, and comedy all shine. This is as good as it gets with movies.
Witness 4K Arrow 8.5/10
Another gorgeous Arrow UHD. This one is really subtle though. John Seale’s photography is just so gorgeous. This film would work great with the sound turned off. An amazing film. Tremendous performances. One of Ford’s very best.

Used Cars 4K Shout 8/10
One of my favorite comedies of all time. Yes I know I’m probably in a minority on this one. But I would have seen it at a very impressionable age. And unlike most films I watch over and over and they become less funny each time I never fail to laugh uproariously at everything that Gerrit Graham does in this film. And pretty much everyone else for that matter.

Lethal Weapon 1 and 2 8.5/10
I pretty much hold these two in the same regard. The first probably has a slight edge because it at least acknowledges and considers the pain Riggs is going through after the death of his wife. Any pain that Riggs has in the second one gets glossed over rather quickly. But the widescreen action in the second one is better and it’s much funnier as well. Another case of showing these to the kids and they loved them.

The Abyss Special Edition 4K 7/10
I love and hate this film and this new JC approved transfer just confirms how I feel about it. It’s probably the best looking of all the recent transfers where Weta was involved with their AI image processing but they have still removed too much grain and faces especially, have lost the film quality present in the previous transfers.

The film itself, everything not involving the aliens is fantastic and incredibly compelling. Everything involving the aliens is just second rate. It’s not the the alien plot feels shoe horned, well it does a bit, but its just so predictable and uninteresting and from this film on in JC’s career he gave up being subtle with his themes and became so over tne top and pretentious I just can’t help but squirm in my seat when the aliens show Bud war footage. Terrible stuff.
The Abyss Special Edition 4K 7/10
I love and hate this film and this new JC approved transfer just confirms how I feel about it. It’s probably the best looking of all the recent transfers where Weta was involved with their AI image processing but they have still removed too much grain and faces especially, have lost the film quality present in the previous transfers.

The film itself, everything not involving the aliens is fantastic and incredibly compelling. Everything involving the aliens is just second rate. It’s not the the alien plot feels shoe horned, well it does a bit, but its just so predictable and uninteresting and from this film on in JC’s career he gave up being subtle with his themes and became so over tne top and pretentious I just can’t help but squirm in my seat when the aliens show Bud war footage. Terrible stuff.
When I watched this for the first time earlier this year, I selected the theatrical version without realizing. After looking up the SE ending, I can't say I regret it.