RATE or REVIEW The Last Movie You Watched.

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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Dead Alive 5/10 Stupid as hell. I thought I'd like it more being a horror fan and all but I didn't. Probably the goriest movie I have ever seen.

Awe man... great movie. One of my favorites... easily a 10/10 for me. Just perfection :rock :rock

Did you just not like the comedic aspect of the film?
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

School Of Rock - 8/10

Seen this so many times, still makes me laugh. Jack Black is way cool! :cool:

Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Awe man... great movie. One of my favorites... easily a 10/10 for me. Just perfection :rock :rock Did you just not like the comedic aspect of the film?
No it wasn't that at all, I love horror comedies. The humor in this was just kinda over the top though and kinda came off as annoying. :monkey3 I guess a 2nd watch might be in order. :D
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Yeah, you never know... it was one I always really enjoyed. But I also saw it when I was like 15, so it left a big impression at the time. Since then it seems like comedy zombie flicks are a bit more common.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Star Trek (The new one) - Not the Star Trek of my youth. I didn't even remotely associate it with any Star Trek that has come before it...but...

Freakin' great movie! I found it to be an awesome re-vision of the old show! I'll be watching it again tonight!
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Boondock Saints II - doesn't belong in the move theater and not a worthy sequel. Somewhere in this is a decent movie, but it needs some serious editing. Lots of unnecessary flash forwards and flash backs. Having said that, it's very funny. 3/5

2012 - plenty of destruction, but you will not give a d*mn who dies. Spectacular effects. 3/5

Blood Last Vampire - it's ok, but kind of boring. Didn't care for the animated movie either. 2/5

The Proposition - excellent western 4/5

Star Wars The Clone Wars S1 - out of 22 episodes, there's maybe 2 I don't care for. Well worth your time. 4/5
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Star Trek - 9/10

Every great once in a while, remakes turn out to be a good idea. This is one of those times. Karl Urban was brilliant as Bones.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Just goe's to show how different people's views on a film can be. :D

I really can't wait to see this film tbh from the trailer it looks my kind of thing? so i'm hoping it's good.

ChaserFan likes crap movies. 9 out of 10 my hairy ass!
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Day of the Dead 10/10 Still think this is the best of the trilogy. The last scene is the coolest of all time!