RATE or REVIEW The Last Movie You Watched.

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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

I haven't seen that. Only seen the original through and through. So why is this movie such a masterpiece? Please don't tell me it's because of the fact its hockey. The Mighty Duck flicks sucked hardcore ass, and I love me hockey!

Yes, I meant me. As a kid it was fun watching the first.

I have never seen the first actually but the Hanson brothers is what makes this film for me and its a cool original idea that wanders off the beaten path of a typical sports films. Come on though Eli not a Mighty Ducks fan?:lol
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Kicking the hell out of a baby on a bridge .... priceless. :banana
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Very Dracular!...............8/10

Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

9 (not Nine) on BluRay - 5/10

Very disappointed with this one. Had high hopes, but it was kind of a mess, script-wise. Looked nice, some cool ideas, but not very well executed. And ultimately, forgettable. Too bad :(
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Daybreakers - 4/10 - Other than the gore, which wan't great, felt and moved like a TV show. How the vampires become human again was dumb. At least it had a kewl Bandit TA in it . . .

Inglourious Basterds (Bluray) - 9/10 - Finally got a Bluray player and this was the first movie I watched on it. Just as good as it was in the theaters. The movie is awesome in every aspect. Waltz better get a Oscar. Heck, I hope this wins Best Picture Oscar.

Dracula (1931) - 7/10 - Haven't watched this in about 20 years. Still a good early horror movie with great performances by Lugosi, Frye and Sloan. I heard the Spanish version is better, so I may give that a spin.

Dracula's Daughter - 7/10 - Good follow up and takes place right where Dracula leaves off.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Inglourious Basterds (Bluray) - 9/10 - Finally got a Bluray player and this was the first movie I watched on it. Just as good as it was in the theaters. The movie is awesome in every aspect. Waltz better get a Oscar. Heck, I hope this wins Best Picture Oscar.

:banana:banana :rock :rock :rock

Heck yeah! :D

Oh, and for my rating. I just watched the Hurt Locker. 10/10
Very suspenseful and well made film!
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Last three:
Star Trek 9.2/10
Avatar 9.4/10
No Country For Old Men 8.5/10 I just hate the last half hour of this movie.