RATE or REVIEW The Last Movie You Watched.

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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Oh, and we finally got around to watching .Rec this past weekend (the Spanish original of Quarantine). 6.5/10 - I actually liked Quarantine a bit better.
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I agree with Dusty on this one...

Though I thought both lacking I felt the US version better....

Man Cujo was a beast !!!!!
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Oh, and we finally got around to watching .Rec this past weekend (the Spanish original of Quarantine). 6.5/10 - I actually liked Quarantine a bit better.
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There's a good reason why rabies isn't covered more. All you'd have is a bed ridden person in extreme pain and confusion waiting for a shot or death which would come in about a weeks time if the shot didn't come. Just sayin'. :D
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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Public Enemies... I'd give it a 6.5/10. Not bad but not great either.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

I just saw this one too, but I wasn't quite sure how to rate it. As a Halloween movie it's terrible, but it was an interesting watch thanks to just how damn weird it was. That hospital sequence was good though. It's too bad the whole movie wasn't like that.

Thats what i said after seeing it cos it's not a bad slasher but with it being an Halloween film it just wasn't right. :monkey4

If this film were named say "Hillbilly Killer" I would have rated it about 4-5/10. It at times felt and looked like a made for t.v. movie. The quality was poor, the story was poor but again it had some decent visuals. The excessive violence was needed to supplement how bad everything else was. That being said the gore was a sad excuse to attempt "shock factor" as a distraction to how lame everything else was. It failed, period.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

There's a good reason why rabies isn't covered more. All you'd have is a bed ridden person in extreme pain and confusion waiting for a shot or death which would come in about a weeks time if the shot didn't come. Just sayin'. :D

Not MUTATED rabies :lol And animals with rabies are terrifying to me. Any disease that cannot be cured is pretty frightening (including cancer).
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Not MUTATED rabies :lol And animals with rabies are terrifying to me. Any disease that cannot be cured is pretty frightening (including cancer).

The movie Outbreak ruined my ability to ever sit comfortably anywhere when I hear someone cough. I'm a few Michael Jackson songs away from walking around the streets with a mask on at all times.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Twilight 1/10

Meh my new girl forced me to watch this with her. You know I tried to have an open mind about this since I have a few friends who like the movies and books but this movie was just aweful. Everyone looked like they stepped out of an Ambocrombie and Fitch or Hot Topic store (both of which I despise). The acting and dialoge was over the top. Even Kristen Stewart who I belive is a decent actress was bad in this however she is still the only reason I gave this movie a 1/10 instead of a 0/10. The entire time I just wanted to punch the Edward character right in his allready flat nose and after the "glitter" scene I couldn't handle it anymore so I went off and played some video games with my gf's brother.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest: 9/10 Storywise maybe not as good as part 1, but the addition of great characters and creatures like: Davy Jones, Tia Dalma and the Kraken make this just as much fun as part 1!! :rock :rock :rock
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

It must just be me, i really cant get into pirates! I enjoyed number 2, i thought 3 was possibly one of the most boring films i have ever seen
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

I find 2 ok , hate 3 but love part 1.

yeah funny isnt it, i just find it such an overhyped set of movies! hence i had no interest in a HT Jack Sparrow no matter how good it looked because i just cant be entertained by these movies
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

I never bought a HT Sparrow either , unless its amazing I doubt I ever will.

The Hurt Locker 9/10

Awesome movie.

Just wanted to mention too , how tense was this movie at certain parts !. :google

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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

yeah funny isnt it, i just find it such an overhyped set of movies! hence i had no interest in a HT Jack Sparrow no matter how good it looked because i just cant be entertained by these movies

I never bought a HT Sparrow either , unless its amazing I doubt I ever will.

I'm hoping for a DX Jack Sparrow, since I wasn't collecting HT when they did their pirates line...
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Just wanted to mention too , how tense was this movie at certain parts !. :google

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amazing film i really really loved this

Renner was superb!!! He will become hot now after this display

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