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I watched it last weekend. Would give it a 7/10 too. Well acted and the story structure was well executed - especially seeing the same scene from a different point of view.
Agreed. I found it particularly fun how Matt Damon's character was a whole lot more reasonable, mature and noble in his point of view than he was in the point of view of the others where he was petty, childish, harsh and cold.
Get ready for the remake. 😶
They have to really do a good job to make it even come close to the original. And I don't think they'll pull it off.

I'm not sure if they are going for a full remake, which like @karamazov80 said it'll probably have Chris Pratt in the lead role. (And while he isn't a bad actor he wouldn't really fit the main part. Maybe as the husband of the pregnant woman.)


Looking at Hollywood these days I'm guessing the main part wil be a woman, the little girl will be a boy, the beefcake husband will be a beefcake wife played by Rhonda Rousey while the pregnant woman will be her husband with a little baby in a chest carrier or something. The only white man will be the "evil" selfish businessman :lol
They have to really do a good job to make it even come close to the original. And I don't think they'll pull it off.

I'm not sure if they are going for a full remake, which like @karamazov80 said it'll probably have Chris Pratt in the lead role. (And while he isn't a bad actor he wouldn't really fit the main part. Maybe as the husband of the pregnant woman.)


Looking at Hollywood these days I'm guessing the main part wil be a woman, the little girl will be a boy, the beefcake husband will be a beefcake wife played by Rhonda Rousey while the pregnant woman will be her husband with a little baby in a chest carrier or something. The only white man will be the "evil" selfish businessman :lol
Most likely... :gah: 😕

Sledgehammer: 4/10

Not good, but. . .kind of good for what it is, which is a no-budget, filmed on video tape horror movie from the early '80s. The limitations of the movie (literally can't call this a "film") actually contribute to its charm. It is creepier than it should be, since the graininess and difficulty seeing clearly contribute to a mystique. The killer isn't well explained and doesn't make a lot of sense, but again, that kind of works given the quality of the movie. The worst parts are probably the human interactions, which go on way too long. These are unlikable characters.

Things: 0/10

To be honest, I didn't watch the whole thing. It's damn near unwatchable. If you ever have an opportunity to watch this, do yourself a favor and run away. Only worth watching as a drinking game, or seeing it with commentary (as I did, with Joe Bob Briggs and Chris Jericho).

They have to really do a good job to make it even come close to the original. And I don't think they'll pull it off.

I'm not sure if they are going for a full remake, which like @karamazov80 said it'll probably have Chris Pratt in the lead role. (And while he isn't a bad actor he wouldn't really fit the main part. Maybe as the husband of the pregnant woman.)


Looking at Hollywood these days I'm guessing the main part wil be a woman, the little girl will be a boy, the beefcake husband will be a beefcake wife played by Rhonda Rousey while the pregnant woman will be her husband with a little baby in a chest carrier or something. The only white man will be the "evil" selfish businessman :lol
You're being a bit unfair. . . . . .other white men in the movie will be the inept factory owner whose failure to take environmental precautions leads to the leak leading to the zombie plague. Another will be the inept U.S. President who lies to everyone about how things are under control. Oh, lordy.
Evilspeak: 6/10

Not a great movie overall, but it has two things going for it: 1) a great performance, as always, from Clint Howard; and 2) a really excellent ending that is horrifying and cathartic at the same time. The gimmick of using the computer to channel Satan seems unnecessary as the movie progresses, but I guess they were trying to capitalize on this exciting new technology of the time, like WarGames did. Special effects on the computer were pretty dang good considering this was 1981. Extra points for having Luca Brasi in a small role.
Explorers 7/10
One of the few Joe Dante films I don’t adore. There is a lot to like about it, Ethan Hawke and River Phoenix are really good and the whole ending with Bob Picardo is quite insane but the story never gels even in the extended cut and feels like a whole lot of studio interference. It is great to finally have a decent disc of it with a ton of extras to go through.
Second Civil War - 8/10 absolutely terrific Joe Dante film about war breaking out between states over closing borders to immigrants. Seems ahead of its time with the overlapping Sorkin style of acting and the cast is extraordinary. It goes over the top in the end but given recent events does not look as ridiculous as it once did.

Wes Craven’s New Nightmare - 8/10 while it has its problems, some awful opticals, Craven should have got someone else to play himself and Freddy is never as threatening as he’s made out to be and is still lit too brightly, this is a terrific film full of terrific ideas, like the film within a real life film, positioning the story around the earthquakes was genius and Heather Langenkamp is surprisingly great playing herself.
Never heard of some of those Dante movies, though I love Howling and Gremlins, and I have a soft spot for Innerspace. Will have to check that one out.

Deadly Games (Code Pere Noel): 6/10

Great performance by guy playing a psychotic, probably homeless murdering Santa, and some pretty suspenseful scenes. One scene in particular shocked me and told me all bets were off. But overall this one didn't connect with me. Some claim that John Hughes ripped this movie off with Home Alone. . .and I can see it!

Christmas Evil: 6/10

Some of it works really well, particularly the psychology of the crazed Santa obsessed killer, and generally speaking the film was well made and acted. But the killings (that are few and far between) aren't very well done, and the ending was head scratching. Worth checking out, as I imagine this would be pretty polarizing one way or the other.
Wes Craven’s New Nightmare - 8/10 while it has its problems, some awful opticals, Craven should have got someone else to play himself and Freddy is never as threatening as he’s made out to be and is still lit too brightly, this is a terrific film full of terrific ideas, like the film within a real life film, positioning the story around the earthquakes was genius and Heather Langenkamp is surprisingly great playing herself.
Love the look Freddy has in this one.
Spider-Man: No Way Home

lazy, tacky, clunky and saccharine franchise reset but still more entertaining than much of the Marvel superhero drivel/10
Still watching Joe Dante movies lol

The Howling 4K - 8/10
One of the first 'adult' horror films I ever saw and despite it's (mostly) low budget flaws, I still hold it in high regard.

The 4K is generally amazing but it is shot often with soft lens so it won't look sparkling new like other films. When the soft is off, the image can be stunning.

Love Dante films for their humour, pop culture referencing but also he gets very subversive and political at times (go and watch his Masters Of Horror episodes especially) and this is no exception especially the way he pokes fun especially at getaway self help's that were all the rage at the time.

There is a lot of other stuff like that as well, plus a typically amazing Dante cast - Dee Wallace and Chris Stone, Patrick Macnee, Dante regulars like Bob Picardo (who is amazing), Kevin Mccarthy, Belinda Balaski - is she in everything he does?, cameos from Roger Corman and John Sayles (the screenwriter) amongst others - plus John Carradine and Slim Pickens for heavens sake!.

Still pretty decent makeup effects from Rob Bottin considering the low low budget (although the 4K sometimes shows off seams etc.). I don't care that the film often stops in it's tracks to show off the makeup lol, I want to see it!!!
So is that a positive "f**kin f**k!! S**t f**k!!! what the F**K!?!" or a negative "f**kin f**k!! S**t f**k!!! what the F**K!?!"?
As an RE fan, not exactly a positive from me. Far too many WTF moments. lol
I watched this last week. I quite enjoyed it to be honest. Would recommend giving it a watch.
It's good if you can make yourself forget that it's an RE movie. It was advertised as being a "faithful' adaption of the original story brought to film...but then completely s**ts all over it instead. Just nope from me. Even the Alice series was better than this.