tlou 10/10
Damn right.
tlou 10/10
Batman Arkham Knight: 8 out 10
Visuals, sound, Predator and free flow combat are Top Notch as always..However the story ( weak and predictable ) and the Batmoble specially, is a real pain in the ass (I ended up oversaturated)
I'll hate the Batmobile, the cobras, the ****ing AK Bulldozer, and Tank(Downpour), and Ridler stages Forever..Thx Rocksteady!
I'm really amazed reading about how badly they dropped the ball after Asylum and City. Basically I have no interest in playing Knight whatsoever at this point, it seems like such a weak ending to a fantastic series of games.
By downpour do you mean the cloudburst? That is where I truly began to loathe that batmobile, that was just...holy crap, never again. The only thing I liked was seeing Gotham covered in it and the music, that was actually really cool.
There's no denying the poor design but it's not just that, besides the fact that running away from the tank is such a pain in the ass. The cobras and even Deathstroke lose track of you easily, but this thing doesn't. IDK why, it's so annoying.Yeah, I meant the cloudburst battle
I played the game dubbed into Spanish, and that AK tank/Machine (or whatever) It's called "Aguacero" (means Downpour in english, therefore I assumed that name was directly translated... My fault). Anyways, that battle It's poorly designed and executed.., the camera, the Bamobile controls, even de Frame rate (Played on PS4) don't work properly here
I love the game and it's one of the best games I've played this year.. but honestly, if they had omitted what I mentioned before (and just 50% less Batmobile), then BAK would be a better game IMO
Kirby's Return to Dreamland - 7.5/10
Fun from start to finish, and memorable levels. Didn't do too much different though.
Years for me, got around to playing the games again after talking to a friend, and finding some of them real cheap in my areaMan, I haven't played a Kirby game in decades.
The Last of Us: Remastered - 8/10
I rated the original TLOU 10/10 a few years ago. However, I knocked two points from the Remastered, because that the game didn't have the same emotional impact, as when I first played it on the PS3. TLOU has one of those stories, where the shock value, and the struggles of the main characters are good for one playthrough. But, then the story quickly loses its sense of replayability once you've finished it.
On a plus side, I have to say the graphics are gorgeous at 1080p and 60 FPS.
Yeah, that's the issue I had when thinking about doing Grounded on my PS3 copy. Maybe I will when I buy it on PS4 after a price drop. Still an amazing title though, and you can still appreciate the story for all its worth, but that's accurate to my score.The Last of Us: Remastered - 8/10
I rated the original TLOU 10/10 a few years ago. However, I knocked two points from the Remastered, because that the game didn't have the same emotional impact, as when I first played it on the PS3. TLOU has one of those stories, where the shock value, and the struggles of the main characters are good for one playthrough. But, then the story quickly loses its sense of replayability once you've finished it.
On a plus side, I have to say the graphics are gorgeous at 1080p and 60 FPS.
TLOU is probably my fourth fav game last gen. Still a superior experience than MGSV by leaps and bounds.
Yeah, that's the issue I had when thinking about doing Grounded on my PS3 copy. Maybe I will when I buy it on PS4 after a price drop. Still an amazing title though, and you can still appreciate the story for all its worth, but that's accurate to my score.
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes - 8/10. Some nice evolution of Metroid Prime's gameplay but the campaign shows the short comings of the series, by far. And some boss fights are too frustrating at times.