Again, if you think Troy Baker sounds like Joel, your ears are stupid, I don't know what else to tell you. Does he have a bit of an accent like Joel, definitely, but they sound absolutely different. Robin Akin Downes did his Kaz voice, not one time did he not sound like the same person from MGS1 and PW, except he gave more honest performance, far less animeish. Also lets say you were right (which you're not) and they were basically just rehashing from other characters they voiced, how does that in anyway mean they didn't give a great performance?
This scene here, voice acting wise (except for Huey) is better than anything I've heard in every MGS game combined. Ocelot sounds absolutely nothing like Joel, similar accent? Sure, same voice absolutely not. Robert Atkin Downes is giving a great performance better than anything in the older games, Kiefer also does a great job at giving us a more stoic Big Boss without repeating everything someone saids and making the character look like an idiot. I can bring up plenty of more scenes if you need me to, and I can also pull a ton of scenes from the older games where the voice acting was damn near cringeworthy. There's only two badly voiced lines in MGSV which are now famous.
Kiefer spoke more than enough to gauge whether he did a good job or not, not even the Hayter fanboys here said he didn’t a bad job, he did great with what he was given and in fact most people are upset he didn’t speak more, that's not something people would be complaining about had he done a bad job.
Again, if you disagree, then your wrong and you should probably get a new pair of ears
I'd like to know what yours and Ryan's game of the year was.
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