Re: New Doom PF?

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Re: New Doom PF?

Fabric looks good to me.
Not a huge fan of the two shades.

YMMV, but I think the fabric is weak on the original PF too. That one obviously has a lot of epic qualities to it, but I honestly feel the stiffness of the fabric at that scale undermines it a little.
The belt, chains are better than original pf. Other than that i still prefer the original pf.
Re: New Doom PF?

Not too sure on this one. Went from an absolute must have to a maybe. Hate the toilet base and awkward fist pump.

I think the reason this is getting this reception though, is it's clearly not as good as the other two Dooms SS has/is making, it's only selling point is that it is cheaper. Hard to get too excited over that scenario.

I feel the same way. I think just bc its Doom, the hype is even more escalated. The fist pump reminds me of when someone goes YES or SCORE gestures hahaha. The base is errrr. Oh well its Doom
Re: New Doom PF?

The belt, chains are better than original pf. Other than that i still prefer the original pf.

That's what I thought. This cape/cloak on the old PF, but with the old PF color... Magic
Re: New Doom PF?

Not too sure on this one. Went from an absolute must have to a maybe. Hate the toilet base and awkward fist pump.

I think the reason this is getting this reception though, is it's clearly not as good as the other two Dooms SS has/is making, it's only selling point is that it is cheaper. Hard to get too excited over that scenario.

Getting old, isn't it?

I will be getting this for the little lady. She has been dying for a Doom pf. Even though I think the first one is still superior, I'm not willing to pay those prices. This one will do.
Re: New Doom PF?

nooo...more fisty pumpy :thud:

Re: New Doom PF?

Well look what happens when they try something different like Thor or Daredevil, they get crapped on for that too. Besides, It's Doom, the fist pump is pretty normal for him.

They pretty much get crapped on no matter what.

Not sure what other pose they could have used for Doom...he's not really an action character.

I decided I wasn't going to buy this one, but now I'm back to wait and see. It's almost comic con month.
Re: New Doom PF?

Yeah the second trim shade make his outfit look like a dress... They should of kept it one color like the LSF. :(

Isn't it a dress though? lol

I'm 90% sure I'll order this piece, but like a few boardies said, no rush until the ES is announced. I'll check on it every couple of days :)
Re: New Doom PF?

I'm just waiting for some points to clear. Besides, almost nothing really ever sells out very quickly anymore. There's no rush.
Re: New Doom PF?

Agreed, I expected $400 since that seems to be the "standard" but they keep going up above and down below that line and it goes from product to product. You can't really call a price any more but it seems like everything is between $360 and $440, larger pieces excluded of course, but that's a wide margin to price things, especially when the figures generally are of similar size and materials.

I think part of the price would have to include packing materials. Thor's pose is much more "extended" than Doom, he's larger with a sculpted cape. Because of that packing would have to be larger and maybe slightly more complicated Styrofoam wise than something simpler. Those large art boxes cost money as do the shippers.
Re: New Doom PF?

Still waiting for mine as well however the perk is that you are ensured you get one.

I think a lot of people have cooled off on rushing to Pre-Order, Catwoman and Wonder Woman are proof of that, after several months their EX is still up for pre-order... Unless I feel it's a 100% buy for me and the EX is a must, I rather wait and let the hype die down to make sure I really want it so I don't end up losing a $40 NRD few months later when I realize I didn't really want it as bad as I first thought.

Isn't it a dress though? lol

I like to think of it as he's wearing a sleeveless parka :)