Re: New Doom PF?

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Re: New Doom PF?

Hey maybe that original doom base is for the FF variant! I would be all for that!
Re: New Doom PF?

Where did it all go wrong? :dunno

Ah yes, I know :lecture :exactly: they left out the best bit!!!! :slap


Where did it all go wrong is right my friend. I preordered it because I love doom and I don't have the original. Not to mention I can't really shell out that kind of money while buying a house. How would I justify that kind of purchase to the bank? "Sir we noticed in your bank statement you made a $2500 purchase off of ebay. Can you please tell us what it was?" "A Dr Doom Sideshow Premium Format Exclusive. DUHHH"
Re: New Doom PF?

Where did it all go wrong is right my friend. I preordered it because I love doom and I don't have the original. Not to mention I can't really shell out that kind of money while buying a house. How would I justify that kind of purchase to the bank? "Sir we noticed in your bank statement you made a $2500 purchase off of ebay. Can you please tell us what it was?" "A Dr Doom Sideshow Premium Format Exclusive. DUHHH"

:lol :lol great post my friend :clap congrats on Doom by the way...I'm sure Doom will be epic in hand :pray: famous last words ;)
Re: New Doom PF?

:lol :lol great post my friend :clap congrats on Doom by the way...I'm sure Doom will be epic in hand :pray: famous last words ;)
I have faith it will look excellent in hand Magic Robby. And I actually use to sculpt back in the day so maybe this will motivate me to make my own base. Or who knows, maybe I'll like it once I see it in person.
Re: New Doom PF?

I don't really have an issue with the base to be honest. My issue is that there are some shots where his eyes don't seem quite right paint/sculpt-wise. That being said I'm gonna go for it and if I have to make mods to him than so be it....although I'd prefer not to.
Re: New Doom PF?

I don't really have an issue with the base to be honest. My issue is that there are some shots where his eyes don't seem quite right paint/sculpt-wise. That being said I'm gonna go for it and if I have to make mods to him than so be it....although I'd prefer not to.

I can agree with that when it comes to the modern headsculpt
Re: New Doom PF?

I can agree with that when it comes to the modern headsculpt

Same. I'm not a fan of the 'older' mask at all, and in a good number of pics his eyes look terrible in the modern mask.

I'm definitely in the boat of people wanting to love this, because I'd love a Doom PF at a (sort of) reasonable price, but he's just not doing it for me.
Re: New Doom PF?

there is nothing special about the teaser base, i don't understand the fuss.

I personally feel that the original teaser base brought a lot more to the table so to speak in regards to originality and aesthetically. The base they've chosen in the end looks a little lacklustre in my opinion and is partly the reason, for me anyway, why I'm not looking at the statue as a whole and thinking 'WOW!' 'I have to have it! :(
Re: New Doom PF?

Will just patiently wait for this to be in hand and decide if needs him in collection or no.
Re: New Doom PF?

I personally feel that the original teaser base brought a lot more to the table so to speak in regards to originality and aesthetically. The base they've chosen in the end looks a little lacklustre in my opinion and is partly the reason, for me anyway, why I'm not looking at the statue as a whole and thinking 'WOW!' 'I have to have it! :(
it's just rubble, though.
Re: New Doom PF?

it's just rubble, though.

I don't honestly get all the crazy over it either...I mean how many people on this board own Avengers standing on a black disc with a large orange gradient "A" on it?A large red "X"? A random pile of rocks? It's a base people, it would be cooler if it was something crazy special, but all in all it's just what he's standing on.
Re: New Doom PF?

I'd still rather have the rubble over a rusted toilet seat any day of the week. Just my take on it.
Re: New Doom PF?

I believe people have an issue because of what was teased way back.
If we never seen that image we wouldn't know what could of been and comparisons wouldn't be made.
Re: New Doom PF?

I'd still rather have the rubble over a rusted toilet seat any day of the week. Just my take on it.

I'm with you. I just see toilet bowl now :rotfl
Can't even imagine the ES on this when Ironman is 4000?