Re: New Doom PF?

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Re: New Doom PF?

New Doom

Even with the not-so-great shot it looks pretty good. Better than on the site IMO

Sent from the Cack Pit of the Millenium Falcon
Re: New Doom PF?

Even with the not-so-great shot it looks pretty good. Better than on the site IMO

Sent from the Cack Pit of the Millenium Falcon

I have to agree. This one pic from SDCC does a better job for the piece than the entire SCC gallery on him. Still, I'm looking for more pics and maybe a video of him. I really want to PO this piece but I can't help but think...I wonder what the XM Doom will look like?
Re: New Doom PF?

I have to agree. This one pic from SDCC does a better job for the piece than the entire SCC gallery on him. Still, I'm looking for more pics and maybe a video of him. I really want to PO this piece but I can't help but think...I wonder what the XM Doom will look like?
Yeah man. Jeez its only 11pm here in Toronto so I'm going to be waiting for some vids too

Sent from the Cack Pit of the Millenium Falcon
Re: New Doom PF?

After seeing the SDCC Pics im in. Pre Ordered. Even wife said go for it. Gonna look good with Apocalypse. Should I source a Sabretooth?
Re: New Doom PF?

No connection. But yeah all my villains on the same side of the Room.

Even if from a continuity perspective many of them would sooner fight each other before teaming up, lol. As a mutant with a superiority complex Apoc would probably look down upon the human Dr. Doom if he couldn't turn him into a Horseman first. They're both too into themselves to get along.

Doom PF still looks good to me, no different than it did from SS's pics... Maybe lack of detail and dim lighting makes this look better to
Re: New Doom PF?

damn it !

and bought with points :clap

Yeah, Doom looks real good. I'm torn with this piece. I love the Doom figure but the base is super bland. I keep thinking maybe XM will release a Doom statue. I would be very interested in an XM Doom. The fully sculpted aspect to XM pieces are a real draw for me and a 1/4 fully sculpted Doom is something I would easily pay a premium for if it looked great. Gonna have to figure something out because I MUST have a 1/4 Doom in my collection.
Re: New Doom PF?

Yeah, Doom looks real good. I'm torn with this piece. I love the Doom figure but the base is super bland. I keep thinking maybe XM will release a Doom statue. I would be very interested in an XM Doom. The fully sculpted aspect to XM pieces are a real draw for me and a 1/4 fully sculpted Doom is something I would easily pay a premium for if it looked great. Gonna have to figure something out because I MUST have a 1/4 Doom in my collection.

I have the solution fillip :) but it'll cost you $1999 :( DOOM LSF!!! :yess:
Re: New Doom PF?

I have the solution fillip :) but it'll cost you $1999 :( DOOM LSF!!! :yess:

Baggs, if the LSF was a PF, I'd have no issues now. Scale and cost drive me out of that market. I just don't have the space to display the LSF. It truly is the finest Doom sculpt EVER released in my book.
Re: New Doom PF?

There's a clue in there...

Yeah, I hear ya. I'm just thinking I'm going to pick up the new EX PF. If XM WOWS me with a fully sculpted 1/4 Doom, I can always sell off the PF and buy the XM piece. I think that's the answer to my struggle. :lol
Re: New Doom PF?

Baggs, if the LSF was a PF, I'd have no issues now. Scale and cost drive me out of that market. I just don't have the space to display the LSF. It truly is the finest Doom sculpt EVER released in my book.

:goodpost: certainly one of the best statues period that I've ever seen :exactly:

have to say, I'm not the biggest fan of the new Doom PF but even I had to double take when seeing that pic above. It actually doesn't look too bad...I say go with this one. At this moment in time, if XM were to release a Doom it wouldn't be for another year or so...:dunno