Talk about flip floping Ankit

First this is a vote as per Denny and now
your gonna suggest that the sculptor takes her pick? Why don't we stick to the original plan and stay with the vote so this way we
all suggest something instead of you suggesting something.
I'd like everyone to stick to their own opinion on their vote. I'm not trying to sway anyone. But since Axe keeps selling the smirk and downplaying the cold stare or scowl for various (IMO weightless) reasons, I'd like to point out a few things myself.
I know a lot of people want to see this change but there's a very good reason why the big boys on the block like HT & EB (and bascally everyone else who produces figures & sculpts) go with more neutral expressions for a main sculpt.
Because it's the best overall representation of the character with the most versatility without being too scene specific.
That's why you get a laughing Joker sculpt as the 5th official offering and not the first, and definitely not the 1st and only.
Adding the scowl is technically getting away from something too neutral and is in itself an expression. One that is iconic and fitting for the character.
I'm a hardcore fan just like you Axe and many others here. I love the CD bit just as much as the next guy. And I know that you're dying to set him up with the CD so that's why you want the smile. But that smile only works for that one pose and is extremely scene specific, almost frame specific

There's no way that that works with a knife, axe, nailgun, walkman, breifcase or basicaly anything else you may want to do. If we're already getting one sculpt with very limited versatility, why add a second one?
I'd buy 4 sculpts for Bateman if Iminime offered them. I'd be all over the smile if it was V3 or V4. But if I have to pick one static representation of this guy, I'm going with the most overall iconic and versaitile. Extreme expressions work well for the Pee Wee's and Mr. Bean's of the world as V1s. Not really for guys like this.
Again just stating my own personal reasoning since Axe states his. I encourage everyone to vote with their own in mind