Re: FINAL SCREAMING SCULPT [iminime] Wall Street Killer - Patrick Bateman
Ankit, you know your my bud and I'm not trying to argue with you. But I
do want to rob you of your sadistic pleasure

Please remember how this project was born to begin with.
This is their busiest thread and it's based off of a single sculpt that most of us appreciate, but not many really wanted. So "fan demand" is good for business. Just sayin'
At the end of the day let's stay positive that the scowl will be a grand slam, and that CREG's smirk will follow suit (which I will be in for as well). The more top quality options the better and we'll all walk with the definitive Bateman which will go down in the books if all is done correctly.
Nooooooo, you cant. Although anything disappointing will eventually make me vent some ire because we both know how much we wanted Bateman for years now.
Yes I remember how this project was born

... months of dropping hints at Denny while talking and assisting for Ra's Al Ghul before he agreed to an interest list

I was actually hoping if he could have brought Rainman aboard for this... but retrospectively Im glad he's doing it inhouse.
This is the busiest thread because both of us refuse to see it get relegated to any other page than Page 1.
What can I say, I get majorly paranoid when I hear someone is sculpting Bale... the No. of Fails have overpowered the No. of Wins! And man was I nervous when the whole process of sculpting the screaming sculpt went on... thankfully with the right person to critique it during the WIP stages and with the changes being incorporated the final result is stellar...
With CREG's sculpt I really couldnt give my views because 3D sculpts are something I always find a little 'odd' looking. As long as I dont see it in real perspective I really cannot say whether its likeness is great or not, plus that bald head is making it more difficult for me focus on the likeness. Thats why the Bale experts opinions are going to have to do it for me till I see the final 3D sculpt
Just hope this one goes well... would hate to end up with something like the HT DX12 final product headsculpt. The feeling of so close, but still so far will be sickening.
There's a common denominator in all these Iminime thread blowups

(Hint: not you)
Huge turn off
Easy to be the nice guy when you are doing is watching, critiquing, posting and buying.
Not that simple when you are taking some real responsibility and effort in making something happen. All those who have played this part can vouch for it, if being non diplomatic and vocal to some can still get the best product out, I dont mind... sometimes things go smooth sometimes not so. All part of the process, and just cements the fact how passionate and opinionated we all are.