Re: FINAL SCREAMING SCULPT REVEAL [iminime] Wall Street Killer - Patrick Bateman
Even though I'm not an artist, I do understand that the final product will come out better if an artist has their heart in it. Most people tend to not understand that and think that someone who has the gift can just pull off anything.
What I don't get is the difference between the two expressions. She already has a good handle on Bale's likeness without having her "heart into it" or being a fan personally. Why would she be able to capture his likeness so much more in a sculpt that's smiling as opposed to a sculpt that's angry. How much really changes between the two expressions and where does likeness get lost? I just don't see how you can do one so confidently and not the other.
As far as voting and all of that, from the beginning this was a project done for the people. No one in Iminime is a fan of this movie. If they were fans, they wouldn't have chose the screaming sculpt to begin with; or it would've been more scene accurate and not based off of a promo pic found in google images. They wanted to use their own artistic freedom and that's where that sculpt came from. Denny thought it was going to be a crowd shocker but it wasn't. By not being a fan, there is a disconnect with the character and a lack of understanding in the way Bateman is perceived by fans.
The clear balance to this equation is a more serious sculpt and it should be based solely on the nail gun shot. All other angles should only be used as reference for facial features.
Whoever has a nice sized, clear image of the nail gun expression, please post it (I can't find a good enough one). It's the 4th pic on the bottom row of Axe's collage 2 pages back.
They should mix that look with this longer hair style (longer than the screaming sculpt), or just use this as the runner up pic to base the sculpt from:
Even though I'm not an artist, I do understand that the final product will come out better if an artist has their heart in it. Most people tend to not understand that and think that someone who has the gift can just pull off anything.
What I don't get is the difference between the two expressions. She already has a good handle on Bale's likeness without having her "heart into it" or being a fan personally. Why would she be able to capture his likeness so much more in a sculpt that's smiling as opposed to a sculpt that's angry. How much really changes between the two expressions and where does likeness get lost? I just don't see how you can do one so confidently and not the other.
As far as voting and all of that, from the beginning this was a project done for the people. No one in Iminime is a fan of this movie. If they were fans, they wouldn't have chose the screaming sculpt to begin with; or it would've been more scene accurate and not based off of a promo pic found in google images. They wanted to use their own artistic freedom and that's where that sculpt came from. Denny thought it was going to be a crowd shocker but it wasn't. By not being a fan, there is a disconnect with the character and a lack of understanding in the way Bateman is perceived by fans.
The clear balance to this equation is a more serious sculpt and it should be based solely on the nail gun shot. All other angles should only be used as reference for facial features.
Whoever has a nice sized, clear image of the nail gun expression, please post it (I can't find a good enough one). It's the 4th pic on the bottom row of Axe's collage 2 pages back.
They should mix that look with this longer hair style (longer than the screaming sculpt), or just use this as the runner up pic to base the sculpt from: