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Its a GO last I heard from Denny as its part of their clothing plans (you cant expect the Raincoat to be missing with this sculpt)... when they will be producing the proto clothing you will see it... unless they run into problems trying to fabricate it (vinyl sheet of variable translucency and particularly thin enough for 1:6 clothing is a very difficult material to source)Man that is awesome. So the raincoat is a no go?
Yeah it was always a problem, but only because of the material involved, but Denny is doing his best to find a way as its essential to the figure and the confirmed accessory of the AxeAmazing! I haven't been following this thread closely last I remember reading was the raincoat might be a problem. I agree you gotta have it for that sculpt.
I for one dont want to compromise on something like this:
Where the attitude and personality of the scowl are SPOT ON but likeness is ZILCH
There is NO downplay of their ability, Denny has expressed his OWN reservation about how much they can do the expression. This is their OWN INDEPENDENT view they have expressed.i thought the sculpt issue was settled. im not sure why it's coming up again. i dont know why there is this continuous need to talk up adam and kojun's bruce wayne sculpts and downplay iminime's sculpt ability. i think iminime has shown that they are to be taken seriously, of late, and i for one have a lot of faith that they will nail the bateman scowl. i look forward to seeing it.
and didnt CReg say he would do a smiling sculpt for those that wanted it?
There is NO downplay of their ability, Denny has expressed his OWN reservation about how much they can do the expression. This is their OWN INDEPENDENT view they have expressed.
And yes CREG had said so when I requested him for it while he was doing his Bale, as I didnt expect this situation to arise.
And honestly I would rather go with whatever the sculptor feels comfortable with, because that guarantees a better final product. The screaming sculpt's likeness and quality speaks for itself, and its my least favourite expression.
I personally dont know the exact issue. As an artist you may feel you can do better on a different subject, maybe something like that, but honestly the reason for this is speculation on my part.i'm not quite sure i understand the problem then. i mean it seems to me it'd be no more difficult than doing an open mouth, extremely expressive look. i dont know. why is this sculpt worrying to denny?
i hope denny and the team attempt the scowl, or if not then the cold gaze.
also axe, do you know if iminime will be releasing clothing set options on all their future releases?
I like the update on the screaming sculpt looks better with the adjusted eyebrows.
Glad theres so much attention to detail but can't help thinking too many cooks
What people should remember is that the screaming sculpt might not be your taste or preference but is doing something NEW.
With that sculpt and a see through raincoat and axe, it will look the dogs bollox=extremley good
If you can't see that then I give up.
i've only voiced my opinion cuz we were asked what look we'd like. and i plan on getting the dx if the 2nd sculpt is on. and if i'm getting two sculpts, i'd want the second to be something very different from the manic scream. and something which is more easily used. an extreme face is kind of limiting in my opinion to the way in which you can pose the figure.
I get your point, maybe why not accept the fact they asked for our opinion, they considered it and felt it was not feasible for them so they are giving their opinion. So if we disagree, maybe then let it be. Let it be a one sculpt release... how about that then? Id rather have a stellar single sculpt than a two sculpt release with one subpar and one outstanding sculpt.
to be honest, tho it wasnt my first or second choice, i am not averse to a screaming sculpt, and neither--i believe--are most in this thread. the issue that was taken with the screaming sculpt was that it was modeled on the promotional image which is not a look that ever happens in the film. it is workable with the raincoat and axe, but for purists the hair is wrong, as his hair was wild when he brings the axxe down. but i think they did a good job on the sculpt. and yeah it is definitely something new and a ballsy move, which i think is cool.
i've only voiced my opinion cuz we were asked what look we'd like. and i plan on getting the dx if the 2nd sculpt is on. and if i'm getting two sculpts, i'd want the second to be something very different from the manic scream. and something which is more easily used. an extreme face is kind of limiting in my opinion to the way in which you can pose the figure.