Real "ghost" stories

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My ghost, as of last Saturday, hid an important tool that I always put back in the same place. I have just scoured my room, again, and I am about to just clean the entire area in hopes of finding it. This is annoying.

Man that sucks. I wonder if this is the ghost that steals all of my socks. I always seem to be missing socks for some reason, lol, and they are nowhere to be found ever. Hope you find your missing tool though.

I bet it's these guys who have them


:lol :lol :lol

But seriously though, I hope you find your tools and socks :peace
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Like 18 years ago my Mom & I lived with my Grandpa he had heart problems, well shortly after he had an heart attack and passed away @ his home it was trippy, anyways with him having heart issues he ussually staid home in his PJ's & slippers, well about a week after he passed my Mom & I were watching TV downstairs and all of a sudden we hear noises upstairs like someone dragging their feet wearing slippers we go up and nothing and later that night my Mom was Ironing her clothes and she screams out I run to her and she said she felt a heavy hand on her shoulder and no one was there........
What's up Skiman. Yeah you can search under Sleep Paralysis, Shadow People, Old Hag Syndrome, Night Terrors or Succubus. It has many names. I agree that the most mysterious thing about this is that lots of people have the same visions. That right there is a trip. These sightings have been reported for thousands of years and have been depicted in many paintings.



Aaand there goes sleep....bye sleep, hello monster energy drink
Honestly, ive only had 1 serious encounter with something I couldnt explain. A group of friends and I used to race on Mt. Wilson here in southern cali, its a thin road up and down to the observatory where the guardrails are scarce. We were doing our normal routine up and down or so, then around 1 the group starts to get tired and we break up. My buddy and I decide to do 1 more run as hard as we can since most people are off the path we can go all out, as we climb about to the top we pass this cobblestone wall and as my headlamps hit the wall I slam on my breaks.

1:12am, colder than hell, a 8 year old little girl in a white night gown is sitting on this cobblestone wall, the bottom of her gown covered in dirt and grime. My breaks finally allow me to stop maybe 3-4 feet past her, I open the door and leave my car running. I rush over to her and shes crying into her hands, her hair in front of her face. I ask if shes alright, and I get no responce. My friend is freaking out because there are NO homes around, wondering how are we going to get this little girl back down the mountian to the police (As well as a reasonable explaination why we were up there).

After another attempt to get her to break her cries, I reached my hand out to her and it passed through her arm. It felt like dense air, like that coming out of a freezer but in one specific area. The moment my fingers passed through the air, my car died (the turbo timer never even kicked in, (A turbo timer keeps a car running to keep flow of oil through a turbo to pevent damage)) the wind stopped, our cell phones died (upon later inspection), even our watches stopped for 11 min. She stopped crying, raised her head and looked me in the face. She had nothing there, not solid black like a grim reaper mask, not obscured by her hair, but a lack of light, an absense of it, almost if everything that was there is now missing completely. That is when we heard the laughter.

It was a little girls giggle at first, but within seconds it got much much deeper and more vicious. I couldnt relay the message to my feet to move, processing this just didnt work, thats when I hear "What the F___ are you doing you retard!" I turn and my friend is screaming at me from the car, he slams the door and i jumped in, turned the car on and floored it into first gear. We went up the mountian about 10 yards, and stopped and my friend just tells me "Book it, dont stop, dont slow down, just go!" Sound theory to me as well, we round the corner to the cobblestone wall and my headlights show she isnt there...shes standing in the middle of the street. My friend lifts himself over and slams his foot onto my knee/leg forcing my foot down the accelerator. We pass right through her, and hear something like nails on a chalkboard.

At the bottom of the mountian there is a gas station where everyone meets up to refuel and head home, at the bottom 3 of the friends in the group are just joking around and we fly into the gas station and almost spin out stopping. My friend jumps out, walks away and begins to chain smoke, a friend with a miata walks over and asks whats up. Im sitting down against my rear bumper just trying to comprehend it all. Then we are asked "What happened to your trunk?"

There were 5 deep gouges in my trunk for about 2 and 1/2 inches long they had broken the clearcoat and the paint. Since that day we have not returned to the mountian, I was even graded down from my astro physics class for the field trip due to refusing to return to the observatory.

Believe in what you will, it changed what I think.
Honestly, ive only had 1 serious encounter with something I couldnt explain. A group of friends and I used to race on Mt. Wilson here in southern cali, its a thin road up and down to the observatory where the guardrails are scarce. We were doing our normal routine up and down or so, then around 1 the group starts to get tired and we break up. My buddy and I decide to do 1 more run as hard as we can since most people are off the path we can go all out, as we climb about to the top we pass this cobblestone wall and as my headlamps hit the wall I slam on my breaks.

1:12am, colder than hell, a 8 year old little girl in a white night gown is sitting on this cobblestone wall, the bottom of her gown covered in dirt and grime. My breaks finally allow me to stop maybe 3-4 feet past her, I open the door and leave my car running. I rush over to her and shes crying into her hands, her hair in front of her face. I ask if shes alright, and I get no responce. My friend is freaking out because there are NO homes around, wondering how are we going to get this little girl back down the mountian to the police (As well as a reasonable explaination why we were up there).

After another attempt to get her to break her cries, I reached my hand out to her and it passed through her arm. It felt like dense air, like that coming out of a freezer but in one specific area. The moment my fingers passed through the air, my car died (the turbo timer never even kicked in, (A turbo timer keeps a car running to keep flow of oil through a turbo to pevent damage)) the wind stopped, our cell phones died (upon later inspection), even our watches stopped for 11 min. She stopped crying, raised her head and looked me in the face. She had nothing there, not solid black like a grim reaper mask, not obscured by her hair, but a lack of light, an absense of it, almost if everything that was there is now missing completely. That is when we heard the laughter.

It was a little girls giggle at first, but within seconds it got much much deeper and more vicious. I couldnt relay the message to my feet to move, processing this just didnt work, thats when I hear "What the F___ are you doing you retard!" I turn and my friend is screaming at me from the car, he slams the door and i jumped in, turned the car on and floored it into first gear. We went up the mountian about 10 yards, and stopped and my friend just tells me "Book it, dont stop, dont slow down, just go!" Sound theory to me as well, we round the corner to the cobblestone wall and my headlights show she isnt there...shes standing in the middle of the street. My friend lifts himself over and slams his foot onto my knee/leg forcing my foot down the accelerator. We pass right through her, and hear something like nails on a chalkboard.

At the bottom of the mountian there is a gas station where everyone meets up to refuel and head home, at the bottom 3 of the friends in the group are just joking around and we fly into the gas station and almost spin out stopping. My friend jumps out, walks away and begins to chain smoke, a friend with a miata walks over and asks whats up. Im sitting down against my rear bumper just trying to comprehend it all. Then we are asked "What happened to your trunk?"

There were 5 deep gouges in my trunk for about 2 and 1/2 inches long they had broken the clearcoat and the paint. Since that day we have not returned to the mountian, I was even graded down from my astro physics class for the field trip due to refusing to return to the observatory.

Believe in what you will, it changed what I think.

That sounds like a little too much ghost action in one night but, nice story. :D
I used to have sleep paralysis years ago when I was a child. It happened no more than ten times, probably less, over a few years. Once, I had it twice in one night. The first two times I freaked and thought I would choke to death but I snapped out of it and fell right to sleep. I never seen anything. I like to sleep under the covers and usually on my side against the wall so I would only see black if my eyes were ever open. It really just became an annoyance and I stopped being afraid. I figured out how to get through it fast. I would just hold my breath then hyperventilate a bit and it would be over.
Ya dude, hense the never go back. 25 bucks from Pick a part in LA replaced the trunk and you never ever drive back there again. The old saying "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice you're an idiot"
Ah yes the witch.......this has happened to me once. I was sleeping and the next thing i know i wake up because i cannot breath, i look straight up and an old hag is on top of me. My ex-wife (we were still married then) hears me trying to breath and sees my stuggling with nothing. I finally break out of it and can breath again and after awhile i fall asleep and it happens again. In total it happened 3 times that night and has never happened again.

I have done some research and the hag or witch arrives when one of two things happen, someone basically unleashes her on you - a hex if you will - or when you are really sick and vulnerable.

My ex-wife and myself put together that it was her aunt who called it on us - she is bat-s#%t crazy and into all that crap, she also thinks everyone is trying to ruin her life - because things started happening to my ex-wife as well. We put the protection of Christ's white light around the house and it stopped so there you go.

I used to have crazy things happen to me at night as well. hearing things, seeing things. But then i went medievil and went out and bought a gargoyle. I have put that thing outside of every house I have lived in and nothing has happened since. Right now he is sitting in our flower garden outside of our window. My wife hates it but she understands why i have it. I know it is probably just animals bumping it but I swear sometimes it is not in the same position that I left it in. sometimes it will be turned or even leaning back a little. I will put it back in position but it still makes me wonder.
I used to have crazy things happen to me at night as well. hearing things, seeing things. But then i went medievil and went out and bought a gargoyle. I have put that thing outside of every house I have lived in and nothing has happened since. Right now he is sitting in our flower garden outside of our window. My wife hates it but she understands why i have it. I know it is probably just animals bumping it but I swear sometimes it is not in the same position that I left it in. sometimes it will be turned or even leaning back a little. I will put it back in position but it still makes me wonder.

Any pics of the gargoyle, I'm interested in the story behind it as well. Is it supposed to be a protector or to warn off evil spirits?
Gargoyles are supposed to be protectors and ward off evil spirits. I have one similar to this:

View attachment 16789

I actually have a Hawian gargoyle in my home, maybe hawian ones are evil?

I don't have any formulated opinion on this stuff, but I have had contact with a person who believes in witchcraft and took the time to place a curse on me. I generally error on the side of safety and when I noticed my string of bad luck not letting up I researched her religion (yes, it was a girl... surprised?) and settled upon wearing a piece of turquoise to counter any negative energy that may or may not be coming my way. Again, some people believe very strongly in the powers of natural magic. I don't know either way but I do know that I don't like bad times so I wear it.

My luck certainly changed. Which it could have either way. Eventually I was talked into taking off my turquoise and then my amulet eventually broke. I didn't replace it and then proceded to watch my luck turn slowly worse until I just yesterday went out and bought a replacement stone. Just sick of bad times and willing to poke under the rocks at solutions beyond what I am also doing physically to create good times.

Here is a link and info about what "those crazies" believe about turquoise, I hope it helps someone if it can:

Modern Spiritual Myths
Modern Spiritualists consider Turquoise to be a stone of spiritual attunement, cleansing, protection and prosperity and a symbol of the Earth and sky, good fortune and success.

Protection-Spiritualists say its change of color from dark to light to its ability to detect poisons, danger, infidelity or sickness. This myth has survived to modern times. It is an excellent token of protection for physical and astral travel and vision quests, during which it acts as a grounding force, strengthening the user against fear of the unknown by enhancing one’s feelings of trust, kindness, wisdom and understanding. It can ward off strong negativity and protect from the evil eye, reptile bites and diseases of the eye. Further, Shamans extend its protective powers to one’s property.

Superstitions-Some believe you should avoid wearing turquoise that belongs to a deceased person or that it takes on characteristics of the wearer.

Gender of the Stone-Turquoise is androgynous with a good balance of yin and yang.

Attunement-New Age followers believe Turquoise attunes the physical to the higher realms, balances the mind and soul and connects with all life. Some cultures consider it a bridge between heaven and Earth.

Middle Eastern Spiritual Myths
Because, over the millennia of its use, much of the world’s supply of the stone has come from Persia, the number of superstitions surrounding Turquoise that originate from Persia and the surrounding area of the Middle East is great. To begin, Hebrew tradition states that Isaac opened the first mines in Persia.

Good Luck-Having seen the reflection of the new moon in a stone of Turquoise, a person was believed to encounter good luck soon, according to Persian lore. Arabian superstition said it was a lucky stone and that it had good powers of benevolence. They also attributed the accumulation of wealth and prosperity with the stone.

Warning-The people of the Afghanistan, Persia, India, and Arabia thought that a Turquoise stone that changed color was an omen of illnesses or death. Muslim beliefs say that a change in Turquoise’s color meant that a woman had been unfaithful. Arab writings from the 12th century warned that a pale stone meant polluted air or a change in the weather.

Healing-Dipping Turquoise in water gave the water the ability to cure bladder ailments. It could heal the eye simply by looking at it.

Native American Spiritual Myths
As another major source of Turquoise for centuries, Pre-Columbian America is also rich in Turquoise legend. It is one of the most important holy stones in their belief system for protection of the body and soul.

Weather-The Navajo culture of New Mexico and Arizona utilized Turquoise in their rain ceremonies, which required the tossing of the stone into a river.

War-Some cultures said it was important in ensuring the fortunes of warriors, hunters, and all tribal members. The Apache felt that Turquoise combined the powers of the sky and the sea to help hunters and warriors aim accurately.

The Heavens-Others believed it hat the ability to connect the Earth and the Sky, symbols of the spirit and the body. The Navajo believe that a piece of Turquoise is actually a piece of the sky that has fallen to Earth. Archaeologists have recovered Turquoise from burial sites in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Mexico, and Central America.

Protection-The superstitions of the Zuni said that Turquoise could protect them from demons.

European Spiritual Myths
Turquoise has only been know as such recently in its long history. The name Turquoise means Turkish stone and comes from European markets in the Middle Ages, who received it from Turkish traders who brought it from Persia. In antiquity, Pliny had named it callais, Greek kalos lithos for "beautiful stone." European superstitions have long associate turquoise with horses. They believed that it could protect horses from danger and illnesses as well as the rider from any fall that might occur while riding. Europeans of the middle ages said that Turquoise would lose its color when the wearer contracted an illness and was a gauge of the general health of a person.

Eastern Spiritual Myths
Most Eastern cultures regard Turquoise as a powerful protector and in general, a very lucky stone. The religion of the Hindus said that it could accumulate wealth and Tibetans believe that while turquoise can ensure good fortune, it can also guard one’s health, and protect against the evil eye.
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I actually have a Hawian gargoyle in my home, maybe hawian ones are evil?

I don't have any formulated opinion on this stuff, but I have had contact with a person who believes in witchcraft and took the time to place a curse on me. I generally error on the side of safety and when I noticed my string of bad luck not letting up I researched her religion (yes, it was a girl... surprised?) and settled upon wearing a piece of turquoise to counter any negative energy that may or may not be coming my way. Again, some people believe very strongly in the powers of natural magic. I don't know either way but I do know that I don't like bad times so I wear it.

My luck certainly changed. Which it could have either way. Eventually I was talked into taking off my turquoise and then my amulet eventually broke. I didn't replace it and then proceded to watch my luck turn slowly worse until I just yesterday went out and bought a replacement stone. Just sick of bad times and willing to poke under the rocks at solutions beyond what I am also doing physically to create good times.

Here is a link and info about what "those crazies" believe about turquoise, I hope it helps someone if it can:

I understand your fear but here is something my great grandmother told me once. She was pure Cherokee Indian, she said, "people can only hold power over you when you believe they can hold power over you". Meaning, most of these people out there believe in witchcraft, voodoo etc but if you don't believe in it then their so called powers are useless against you.
I think that you feel like you are having bad luck because you believe she has the ability to do things. Once you stop believing that then you will be ok. The amulet only protects you because of your faith in it.
I understand your fear but here is something my great grandmother told me once. She was pure Cherokee Indian, she said, "people can only hold power over you when you believe they can hold power over you". Meaning, most of these people out there believe in witchcraft, voodoo etc but if you don't believe in it then their so called powers are useless against you.
I think that you feel like you are having bad luck because you believe she has the ability to do things. Once you stop believing that then you will be ok. The amulet only protects you because of your faith in it.

There was a movie not too long ago that touched on this point. I can not remember the name of it. But it was about a Voodoo couple who stole people bodies every so often so that they could live forever. The hired a girl to work for them so they could steal her bodie and had to make a believer out of her before they could do it. Very good movie.
I had a bad day, am real stoned now, and I would like to hear someone else's ghost story if they have one to tell.

My girfriend did as well, because I tell my b1tch where she can get off.

:rotfl ha ha. Being stoned, and having a possibly vindictive gf might explain your ghosts.
I understand your fear but here is something my great grandmother told me once. She was pure Cherokee Indian, she said, "people can only hold power over you when you believe they can hold power over you". Meaning, most of these people out there believe in witchcraft, voodoo etc but if you don't believe in it then their so called powers are useless against you.
I think that you feel like you are having bad luck because you believe she has the ability to do things. Once you stop believing that then you will be ok. The amulet only protects you because of your faith in it.

While I appreciate your helpful response you don't seem to be digesting what it is you are responding to. What have I typed that made you think I believe in the power of the stone, or her religion?
:rotfl ha ha. Being stoned, and having a possibly vindictive gf might explain your ghosts.

While I appreciate your helpful response I want to violently eat your head for suggesting that you know anything about marijuana and it's effects (which are not the same from person to person).
There was a movie not too long ago that touched on this point. I can not remember the name of it. But it was about a Voodoo couple who stole people bodies every so often so that they could live forever. The hired a girl to work for them so they could steal her bodie and had to make a believer out of her before they could do it. Very good movie.

I think the movie was called The Skeleton Key. Very good movie by the way.