Real Life Zombie killed in Miami!

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Christ was of Israel decent (anyone of hebrew nation), so no he wasn't white ;)

Jesus is also a descendant of the tribe of Judah - and therefore not only an Israelite, but also a Jew).

Bottom line: all True Racial Jews are Israelites (Hebrew) but not all Israelites/Hebrews are Jews - Jesus is both.

Keep speaking the truth brother!
you can say anything you want about Barry Davis Soetoro

Not here, speak ill of socialist/marxist puppets and get a thread locked. Go with their agenda and be praised.

And for the record, Romney is no better. All come from the same cookie cutter. Kennedy may have been the last one who didn't. Don't try to eliminate the Federal Reserve or, know.
Not here, speak ill of socialist/marxist puppets and get a thread locked. Go with their agenda and be praised.

And for the record, Romney is no better. All come from the same cookie cutter. Kennedy may have been the last one who didn't. Don't try to eliminate the Federal Reserve or, know.

you mean Willard Romney? :)

Yes,Don't try to eliminate that ponzie scheme called the Federal reserve,where Fiat currency is unsound money and based on debt,then who prints money out of thin air,backed by nothing,and then buys "real" assets with it,While the Hard working people have to slave for their pieces of paper (or cashless electronic currency) :yess:
Sorry if the truth isn't pleasing to the ear. The fed is a joke and part of the plan to help crash our the worlds is crashing too. All helping set the stage for the anti-christ.

It's in the Bible yet people ignore it. He who has ears, let him hear.
Sorry if the truth isn't pleasing to the ear. The fed is a joke and part of the plan to help crash our the worlds is crashing too. All helping set the stage for the anti-christ. It's in the Bible yet people ignore it. He who has ears, let him hear.

SO APPARENTLY there is a picture going around of the face of the victim,
I am not sure if is real or not, I will not look at it again, is pretty sad,


A guy getting his face eaten off = definitely NOT awesome.

not at all--------
so it looks he was on lsd-----
that is just plain scary
you would now be eaten out there
wonder if thats what happened to the terminator 3 actor who is missing from downtown LA:slap:slap:slap:sla
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How come nothing cool like this happens when I am out and about. The most interesting thing I have seen recently was some homeless guy pooping in the parking lot of a Big Lots, and really, that wasn't all that interesting. Who hasn't pooped in a Big Lots parking lot :dunno

Did he stomp it down the sewer drain?