What does a man chewing someones face off have to do with hobbies?
They may not be your hobbies...

What does a man chewing someones face off have to do with hobbies?
that is what it ultimately boils down to
I will say Kitfisto has come a long way and has learned quite alot.Not only has he impressed me,but I am proud of him...and he is my brother in Christ...mock away!
You'll have to qualify that. I speak what I believe to be the truth according to the Word of God . Who do I mock and pick out and act holier than thou on? The only ones who get singled out are Temmu and I.
I can't say "Zombies get programmed by TV" without everyone who watches TV getting offended? Well, if you're ( not you personally, but anyone ) offended then maybe some of it hits close to home?
Why should I act wishy-washy about what I believe so others will take it better? If you think that's holier-than-thou then I'm sorry.
people do not understand how entertainment how MANY controlled.(I have been guilty of it too)...the truth is...people are being "programmed" especially through TV and believe everything they are spoon fed...
I believe My brother Jason just has his "sunglasses" and genuinely cares!
I do care. I feel for the lost who don't even know or think they are.
Why should I act wishy-washy about what I believe so others will take it better?
I think people are eye rolling more at your soapbox stylings and ever-so-slight holier-than-thou attitude then what you are actually saying. Pretty sure most people here are well aware of the financial crisis and it's not-so-rosey outlook.
This is the kind of self righteous posturing I was talking about.
If you really cared about people you wouldn't even have to ask that question.
Not sure what any of that has to do with what I said at all.![]()
Though in this case, it had also to do with intentionally misquoting, and borderline racism to back that soapboxing.![]()
Anyhoo, there was a murder in Portland two years ago where a guy cut off his girlfriend's head and then set her body on fire. In the middle of their apartment. Apparently he was on acid.
Did people do things like that in the 90's when LSD got popular again?
I have never been into drugs in my life. I "tried" a couple of things that turned out to be fake when I was in my early 20's and never had any desire to try anything else again. Just never saw the attraction.
Acid wasn't the drug of choice, but there was a definite resurgence in the early 90's. It was big on liberal arts campuses (at least in the northeast) and it was fairly consistent until the Silo got busted in Clinton's second term. Garcia dying probably played a part too, but I know it had a significant part in the rave scenes right up until the end of the decade.