my housemate literally plays this more than 12 hours a day.
once, i stayed up til 5 am shipping out boxes (ugghh the denzel/tyler heads) and he "stayed" up with me, playing the game. which he had been playing since early noon.
haha, maybe i should sculpt the character as a partial tribute to my housemate hehe, but i have no idea how to get reference pictures on this digital face, (at times it just reminds me of clint eastwood, but that's me just glancing at the screen every now and then)
Hi Daniel! I would LOVE to see your sculpt a custom John Marston head sculpt for us! We're starting a thread about it here:
Those of us on this board that want a Marston 1/6 scale figure are trying to find stores that sell western/cowboy gear. Would you help us with making a head sculpt?PLEASE?
every now and then a game comes along that just makes ya stop and say, "wow". Having beaten this game, I can now say...this was one of those games.
I would love a figure of Marston
l dont think the game had the big wow factor.nothing new was brought to the table,it just wasnt fun.killing people in the game wasnt fun , it wasnt satisfying like in GTA4.the missions for the most part were bland and non of the people we met were interesting , didnt like the ending.l think the thing l hate about it is there was no over the shoulder view when aiming you weapon and firing , wich then means you dont see a close up of the person your killing.the guns are also poorly modeled they didnt look very good.thats because there is no over the shoulder view and close up of the weapons so they didnt spend time detailing them , and just not very good game play then because of that.l also hated the wanted level,l would be in the middle of the desert kill some one and get a wanted level,its actually hard and a pain in the asss to be a bad guy in this game , thats why l will never play the game again.this is also coming from a gaming vet and not some newb.but l will say the graphics and the world were done very well.
The dead eye targeting system alone makes this game way better then GTA4.
l dont think so. l never used that in the game.they should of done it max payne style instead of the screen turning red wich made it kind of hard to spot the bad guys.
100% complete![]()
every now and then a game comes along that just makes ya stop and say, "wow". Having beaten this game, I can now say...this was one of those games.
I would love a figure of Marston
l dont think so.l never used that in the game.they should of done it max payne style instead of the screen turning red wich made it kind of hard to spot the bad guys.