Red Sonja PF!!

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poison ivy 2.0



I like the Poison Ivy. I took these pics just last month.
This is a nice looking piece.




I've seen enough here and on the SF to decide against getting Red Sonja. The sculpt is still fine but if Red Sonja was like this at SDCC 2013, I would have said something is off. I just can't get a statue I don't 100% love at this or any price for that matter.

Further thoughts on Red Sonja and NRDs...

Last week when Sideshow had to put up new pics of Red Sonja I knew something wasn't right. They only seem to post new pics when a statue is significantly different from the pre-order pics. That was the statue I wanted to get. As far as I'm concerned the NRD on Red Sonja is void. Customers should get a complete refund with return shipping if they don't like the changed statue. No one time offer or anything like that either. This is a case for why NRDs shouldn't be used. Sideshow or any other company shouldn't take pre-orders on items that can change during production or are still pending approval. These days companies have every method available to notify customers of changes way before something ships or if it happens during production. I don't know if Red Sonja was pending approval but I do know what we saw at SDCC. I bet MadxCollector didn't know he would be predicting the future in his video:

I'm almost certain no one here said that she was tan after seeing SDCC pics, videos, or pre-order pics. It doesn't matter if artists have her with a tan in comics. What we saw didn't have a tan. MadxCollector even put his camera over the glass in his video. No tan. And notice the detail in her eyes and how her lips contrast with her skin tone. That's not the same with the released version. This change had to happen during production and authorized by Sideshow or Dynamite. No way a manager at a Chinese factory is that color blind and thinks that creamy almost alabaster skin tone looks the same as tan. If they do they need to be fired or Sideshow needs to use another factory.

I'm not just writing this to put down Sideshow. This was my top statue and definite purchase from SDCC 2013. So an easy purchase and grail turned into a pass. I don't feel that I should have to pay full price for a statue and then find a painter to repaint it like the pre-order pics. I only hope that if Sideshow restarts the G.I. Joe line that the Scarlett maquette won't get a tan and other changes during production...
Got mine, when I first saw the in hand pics I thought she was a 7. Now that I see it in person she is a 9. Great statue.
Like I said, hit her with light. Even so, I suspect something extra is being done here... this statue doesn't normally have suntanned breasts and orange facial highlights.
Mine arrives tomorrow. I found this to be a long wait. I didn't check the dates but it seemed to take forever for in hand photos.
I'm thinking something looks off then it hits me...

How long is her neck? :gah:

whoa, tripped me out at first but I think it's just an optical illusion caused by her chin in the air, left shoulder raised and right shoulder dropped. checked all the picks and its the same in the proto... her cape covers that sloping shoulder so its less noticeable.
hope I'm right, anyway :huh