It's funny how many folks were saying how long it was taking, they were worried the project was cancelled, etc etc... part of me wonders after seeing the gameplay why it hasn't taken longer! They really seem to have given it a complete re-work, the characters and environments are so detailed and best of all, seems to reintroduce the horror element rather than focusing on action.
I think that's what I liked less about the later games. RE4 just seemed a complete 180 from the previous storyline and way you played it, though it probably started with Code Veronica.
I personally like RE more when it is a little more grounded. The lickers and Tyrants as biological weapons, rather than the weird old-looking little man with the old costume in RE4 and the dodgy twins in CV. It's been a while since I played 5....only played it through once...and cannot really remember it. 6 I've never played.
I think the improvements on the characters are great in RE2 Remake. I like that Leon's outfit actually bares some resemblance to an actual police uniform.