Media Resident Evil 4 - 5 - 6 (PS4 / XBONE)

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To be fair, the Wii is the best version due to the content of the PS2, and the improved visuals based off the GameCube version. Really, all it needs are the glitches - I want to suplex people as Ashley damn it! :lol it's kind of worthwhile on that, along with the few control schemes. Oh and you do get an Umbrella Chronicles trailer. that's...something! PS2 was fine due to the content, PC? Ha, no. Wish I knew about stuff like CV being remastered so poorly.

PA, take your stupid RE4 hate out of here! It's not like Biojex doesn't have a dozen copies of each game

Suprisingly the Wii controls were really fun. I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did. It made the target practice game reeeeeally easy.

And it's true. I have multiple copies of almost every game. I have different regions of the first game. I made it a tradition whenever I traveled, to seek out a game store and see if they had any copy of RE. If they did I'd buy it. Last one I got was in France :lol
The PS3 version of RE4 was really, really bad. No texture filtering, no touch ups, just a simple resolution boots that only made things uglier. It was just pure crap.

This one better be the newer PC release, at the very least. Please?
I'm happy with my GameCube and PS2 copies. :lol I mean the only good think coming from capcom is REmake 2. They don't have anything new or interesting besides re-releasing 4 ever year now. :lol

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Suprisingly the Wii controls were really fun. I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did. It made the target practice game reeeeeally easy.

And it's true. I have multiple copies of almost every game. I have different regions of the first game. I made it a tradition whenever I traveled, to seek out a game store and see if they had any copy of RE. If they did I'd buy it. Last one I got was in France :lol
They are...but the QTEs are kind of awful now. On one hand, you can just waggle it and mash A+B (notably during Krauser) to make them a non issue but at the same time, your arm :lol The Wii version got so much flak for taking 'all challenge' out of the game. It's so dumb.

And I figured you did, I need to start doing that soon. Buying RE in France? Interesting!
The PS3 version of RE4 was really, really bad. No texture filtering, no touch ups, just a simple resolution boots that only made things uglier. It was just pure crap.

This one better be the newer PC release, at the very least. Please?
Absolutely, and it was an insult to fans who wanted the game in HD. The lack of effort was absolutely pathetic. CV looked liked it benefited comparatively better due to its age but I noticed some issues pretty quick. But the new PC release looks really good. I heard some textures were not all touched up, but I think if Capcom puts in the same amount of care like they did REmake and RE0 Remastered, it could turn out s good or even better
With the help of some RE4 staff they've found the original inspirations and texture bases for the game, truly epic stuff. Oh well..
Thank you Zombie!
I found this post by chance and I couldn't resist making clear that we didn't receive any indications nor "logistical support" by part of Capcom. Where did you get that info?
Hot Toys should honor Capcom/RE by releasing some action figures. The lack of any new action figure merchandise is frightening! NECA, I believe no longer has the license, Art Kai hasn't released anything new the last ones were Leon, Helena and Lupo. HCG statues and his fan Gazombie haven't posted anything new.

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Already have this on Steam, not spending a dime more for RE 4, 5, 6. Hopefully, HT gets an idea to make some more figures, though.
If HT doesn't make any for REmake 2... They're stupid!!! Give us Leon, Claire with Sherry, kinda like Groot and Rocket set. Reuse the Ada sculpt. :lol

Although, I'm certain HT won't delivered. :(

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Hot Toys should honor Capcom/RE by releasing some action figures. The lack of any new action figure merchandise is frightening! NECA, I believe no longer has the license, Art Kai hasn't released anything new the last ones were Leon, Helena and Lupo. HCG statues and his fan Gazombie haven't posted anything new.

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Helena is still for sale on some sites :lol Leon too maybe

NECA could get a renewal since NECA got the God of War license back which expired previously. But oh do I want more HT RE figures, it'd be great. Do it off the Remasters or anything (besides 6)
The best ones were by Palisades! NECA's last RE figure was Vector from ORC. I got it for $5 bucks. :lol

RE6 Ada might not sell well, since she needs another figure to go with her. Hopefully Leon is around the corner since that figure alone will sell!

Would've been nice if we got Jill and Chris for the RE1 remaster and Rebecca and Billy for Zero. Since HT can't commit to the full line. Unless it's the avengers.

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I hope CVX is next with upgraded visuals and Sissy Mode Difficulty for guys like me.
It'll give us everything. A reason to play that game again, more of Wesker, a way to say FU to everything - Steve mostly, and maybe the Ashfords -

Oh, and it'll make it easy enough for Ryan to play without cheats I guess :lol
wait a sec...are these just gonna be ports from ps3 that are playable on ps4 or are they gonna get a higher res upgrade like the last of us?

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