Super Freak
what we need is a nice remake of re2 and re3 for the new consoles......MAN I would give for those games to be remade in todays graphics!

what we need is a nice remake of re2 and re3 for the new consoles......MAN I would give for those games to be remade in todays graphics!
Evolution is not always a good thing. If RE4 didn't have Resident Evil in its name, and Leon as its main character, I would never have been able to tell it was a Resident Evil game. The series has lost what made it great: That sense of fear that anything could be lurking around the next corner, and you may not have the ammo to deal with it. Now its characters are action stars that can take out anything in their path with ease. If too much more is changed will there be anything left to identify this as Resident Evil?
what we need is a nice remake of re2 and re3 for the new consoles......MAN I would give for those games to be remade in todays graphics!
guys/gals theres a reason why RE4 won GOTY back in 2005
why because the change was more than great it was "AWESOME" and imo that is what saved this franchise.
look don't get me wrong, i have and love all the RE games but that original camera view had to go.
also in both RE4 and RE5 the "survival horror" feeling is still there imo
now who wants to join me online to kick some A**
demo feels clunky after playing DEAD SPACE...
I never considered RE4 to be an "action" game... The original games were great, and I loved Code Veronica, Zero, and the RE1 remake, but honestly, they all feel EXACTLY the same. RE4 felt much more fluid and I never really thought there was an abundance of ammo in the GC version (however, the Wii controls made headshots WAY too easy to pull off). Just like the earlier games, I felt I still had to be smart with your weapons and not waste bullets... I definitely ended up running out of shotgun shells at inopportune times in RE4.
But yes, it plays differently from the old games, but just because a franchise goes into a new direction doesn't mean it shouldn't be part of the said franchise... Look at Mario and Zelda... the jump to 3D is a much more drastic change than a tweaked viewpoint/aiming system, and I don't think anyone would ^^^^^ that Mario 64 or Ocarina of Time shouldnt be called Mario or Zelda games...
guys/gals theres a reason why RE4 won GOTY back in 2005
why because the change was more than great it was "AWESOME" and imo that is what saved this franchise.
look don't get me wrong, i have and love all the RE games but that original camera view had to go.
also in both RE4 and RE5 the "survival horror" feeling is still there imo
now who wants to join me online to kick some A**
Really, cause that character has tank controls too -
Episode 3 - Claire
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This was my favorite of the ones made thus far.
The actor doesn't look like Chris in the game.
man i hate those kijuju videos, they make chris look like a big P^^^Y imo.
That's because the actor they used doesn't pump steroids.