nah, not the helicopter in the middle of the streets. The warehouse near the docks in Chris's campaign after the car chase
I have played through this so many times and I can't even picture it. I need sleep.
nah, not the helicopter in the middle of the streets. The warehouse near the docks in Chris's campaign after the car chase
That pic makes me think I would love to make custom Claire and place her at the side of my Licker but.. I have too many pre orders I don't think I'll ever do a custom fig![]()
Well Kiva hates the updated look on Claire. I think it works for Mid Western America, her original was too 80's jazzercise.![]()
I think with RE overall, Capcom is just too quick to move on the next thing, and not put enough emphasis on the affects of things that happen in their stories. If the T-Virus was really spread by rats in Raccoon City, then would blowing up the city really wipe out every infected rat? No way, I don't believe that. Yeah I know, it's a game and we should be grateful the story is as good as it is, b/c it has it moments.. lol. I just think any extra glimpse as that early stuff is worth checking out.
I wished maybe one infected rat escaped Raccoon City.
This game WAS rushed! Oh well... too late. Capcom give me Jill and Chris or Claire & Jill for RE7.
Well Kiva hates the updated look on Claire. I think it works for Mid Western America, her original was too 80's jazzercise.![]()
I HATE her new look too, I was talking about make a classic custom fig (I think it might be hard to find the right shorts) the new one looks old and kinda generic..
A 19 year old badass biker girl, I love her classic look
I know, they make big games years after the last one, and then they make lame games showing back story between the big games, I hate that.. I hate that xbox and ps3 don't get every RE game, I see good ideas wasted in lame consoles and bad graphics
Back then I didn't understand why the memberst of a special team don't have the same uniform, what kind of person would wear a red bulletproof vest?![]()
Well, I've really enjoyed Revelation and ORC, though at times they create more questions than they answer.![]()
yeah.. and they keep creating wanna be characters like the ginger from Revelations lol![]()
yeah.. and they keep creating wanna be characters like the ginger from Revelations lol![]()
I don't care about the hair color, but man that character is a poor design. You can tell he's bad from the moment you see him. Not once, the entire game, did I believe he was ever good. Capcom should have at least made him look a bit less evil. Jessica was awesome, though her outfits were pretty silly. I did like the vests the FBC wore, they reminded me of S.T.A.R.S. Parker grew on me, as well as the other three legit members of the BSAA.
Conan is badass! the guy in Revelations was more like this
I HATE her new look too, I was talking about make a classic custom fig (I think it might be hard to find the right shorts) the new one looks old and kinda generic..![]()
Because its not what she ducking wore in Re 2! If i had a Chronicles look Claire figure i wouldnt see it as an Re 2 figure, Id see it as a Chronicles figure. The design is way too different to the original. The STARS outfits were "updated" Claires was a rehaul.Well Kiva hates the updated look on Claire.