Anyone play the new modes yet? Onslaught gets craaaaazy.
I plan to make use of the new modes this weekend.
Is Onslaught the mode where you dump your killed J'avo into the other persons game?
Anyone play the new modes yet? Onslaught gets craaaaazy.
I was playing Mercs last night... I don't get it.:\
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So sad that we still dont have figures. It may not of been the best game but damn it had one of the coolest desgns. If not make an RE6 leon than make an updated RE4 leon.
Sent from Umbrella Corporation HQ using Tapatalk
Good, now drop the action bull****.
Ogroman that's it, but yeah liquid fire is a map that will test your skills.
I didn't like the javo maps but now I don't mind them hope they bring out the DLC for new game modes on PS3 soon.Anyone want to play on PS3 let me know![]()
I'm surprised Capcom isn't over charging DLC to make up for poor sales.![]()
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Reboot with Black haired hipster Leon hear we come.
That game is pissing everyone off. Now im hearing about some sex scene in the game that's making people angry.
That game is pissing everyone off. Now im hearing about some sex scene in the game that's making people angry.
Something along the lines of saying " it's trying to be edgy by adding a sex scene" lol