If the Joker had of been "on" all movie id prefer it to TDKR. But he just seemed to vanish then turn up later on with the most generic plan to blow up the boats, then brawled with Batman. It felt so outta place to me!
But Batman Begins is my favorite anyway. I love a good origins story
The boat thing was stupid and not believable, one boat definitely would of taken out the other no question.
You didn't like Joker battle the unstoppable Batman with his Magic Pipe and Rottweiler Cerberus's?

True but rises basically shoved all this load of crap down everyone's throat about symbol of hope and a city to be inspired that it was completely ridiculous. I don't want to see a city and some no name cop fight the bad guys I wanna see batman do it. Not to mention leaving out joker who caused Harvey dent to fall and caused batman to leave
I hated the Blake character, but I hated it even more because Levitt was playing it. I hated Catwoman, and I hated Bane's Sean Connery voice most of all. I thought he was the worst thing in the film.
They could of picked someone hotter to play Talia Ghul.