resident evil 4 and 5,6 IS the best thing since sliced bread
they weren't scary but atleast they were fun
resident evil 7 is alright too
i also love the classic trilogy on psx so don't judge me too hard
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I dont rate RE4 much as an RE game. Its a great third person shooter but it throws away item conservation, item management, puzzles, fight or flight, characterisation, great enemy designs and introduced slow motion, all-American action hero, enemies without guns dropping tons of ammo, bloody merchant who appears behind a door you spent ages trying to unlock, superhero landings and quick time events.
All great for the third person genre but awful for the franchise.
I am loving Re7. Think there are a few of
How can i observe it sold 2 million copies less than the last game be a wrong observation? Literally losing the appeal to 45% of the people who bought the last game with this new direction.Kiva's observation on RE7 sales is wrong.
Were you not around when Re 5 was the ****test game in the franchise, was pretty much universally slated because of the crappy AI Sheva, weird Wesker and stupid boulder punching and then Re 6 came out and sold even more? People arent buying the game because it looks boring, and when you watch youtubers play it you dont feel the need to play it yourself because the entire game is pretty much scripted.Clearly RE7 isn't doing as good as its predecessors because it's a follow up to the ****tiest game in the franchise.
I think it would of been far better received if it was just a new IP.
I caved and bought the season pass... I did the Marguerite banned footage thing. Once you figure out how to get out of the room, it's incredibly short. I can see Nightmare mode being interesting since it's technically Mercenaries mode. I did a little of it, you just need to survive the timer and collect scrap metal to buy or construct items.
I haven't tried Ethan Must Die Mode yet, but I appreciate the throw back difficulty title from Devil May Cry.