Any US retailers carrying the Jill set? I want to get an Ada body, but they're expensive.
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What body are you using, Ryan?
For now, I have an extra Phicen from my old MGS customs but it's a big bust size. I guess I'll make do with that until I can get a mid-bust version. Phicen is the way to go for characters showing a lot of skin, and the bodies are becoming much more durable with each revision.
BTW, did you bought the Jill set as well, Pliss?
Koopa Clark's next collection video:
Wow! Great pics, Ryan!This clothes and sculpt are bought (well, they will be bought this week). Very nice work fitting everything to a Phicen body.
Thanks Solidus! Too bad I have such a crappy camera, I thought this bootleg is pretty well done, and the price is really good and the seamless body works perfectly for the character. I'm really happy with this one. Bootlegs FTW!
Anyway, I don't want to sound like the resident tater, but that pleather looks questionable. Judging from those shots, it looks almost exactly like the material that was used for the jacket on Subway's bootleg Jack Bauer figure. The pleather on the bag and jacket just rotted away on mine, and others have reported the same issue, too.
That was a perfect body you chose, and the head-sculpt and clothes are spot on. Seriously good job job with that semi-custom man!