Hmm I guess it would do. Unless you wanna go with the more superior Stainless Steel skeleton version, they have crazy amount of articulation. If not, out of the list you gave me, this would be the best one:
Phicen Limited
Looks superb! A replacement harness is the way to go.
I guess I'll go with that one. How do the boots work on the kit? Do they have a ball joint in them?
Thanks again everyone for all the suggestions, I've fixed all the problems such as the skirt and top alignment and (I think) she's as good as I can make her to be.
Excellent shots! I'm going to use my spare Samurai Edge from my STARS Wesker for her.
Outside of the head sculpt (TBF, I haven't seen good Jill sculpt out there), it's pretty ****ing great looking!