I've had mine for over a year now and the coat has no signs of falling apart, none of it is glued as far as I can tell.
Damn it Pliss I'm at work...don't do this to meShe's always welcome to using my Sword Key.
Nice! I wonder why you need that cheap ass kit when you already have that!
KLIA has a lousy track record, and with the national holidays approaching, I wouldn't expect it to leave the hub anytime soon.
Is there anything specific i can search for on ebay? Does it use his name or is it just a generic set which is intended to look like it, but use a generic name?
Don't waste your time on those, i have the jacket where the straps are all stitched, the only straps left are the shoulder ones, it didn't come off because the glue came loose but the whole strap degenerates like cheap pleather & broke off. The main jacket pleather uses different material though. Problem with the stitched ones is you can't totally remove the straps because they are stitched, so it has all those squares remnants straps left around the jacket.
Well then just get a Custom Leon Jacket, whether it happens or not time will tell you that, just tellin' yall what's coming for those concerned about it.
Well then just get a Custom Leon Jacket, whether it happens or not time will tell you that, just tellin' yall what's coming for those concerned about it.
You have to build up a layer of trust with people if you want people to take your opinion seriously. Especially when it comes to spending money. Saying stuff like " choose to believe me or not not i dont care see what happens" is about as useful to me as a pair of glasses on a man with 1 ear. In the last 2 weeks you commented on my Leon, told the guy who sold me his BSAA Chris he was nuts and now you have invalidated Snake Plisskens advice. And thats just stuff that was relating to me.
While i would like to take your opinion seriously, its hard.
How old are you, potato? Serious question.
are you trying hard to convince us people are being serious on the internet, seriously?