I'm curious to know what it looks like without the hat.
I definitely want to update the body. The ada wong body a skin match? Wonder how this would look on a phicen body, even though it will only show off the arms.
Just ordered that phicen s17b body hopefully it's good .
What's the next bootleg?
thats a fantastic bash!I'm using that for my RE3 Jill and I love it, only negative I could say it's that it might be too tall.
thats a fantastic bash!
I'm using that for my RE3 Jill and I love it, only negative I could say it's that it might be too tall.
Have you have any issues with the body you can keep it posted like that ?
You mean if keeping it posed will leave a mark on the body? I have had her in that pose for a few weeks with no issues but I usually revert all my figures to museum poses, so I have no idea if you can permanently keep the body in extreme poses for say, more than a couple of months.
I think the most important thing about the steel bodies isn't the durability but rather to not having anything sharp that could poke or scratch the body.
only negative I could say it's that it might be too tall.
Sounds awesome does the head just fit on the peg or do you just lay it on there .
Same issue.She towers over the other female figures.
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My Jill is currently in Connecticut. I don't understand why it leaves NY customs then it goes AWAY from me and not closer before getting here. Happening quite a lot with any import I get.
Ugh....The last time that kind of stuff happened to me, it ended up being because the shipper forgot to put the zip code on the label. It just kept going back and forth across the country, because it was stuck in their automated distribution center loop. They basically said I was screwed unless it made it's way to a zip code near me. I had to intercept it when it finally did.
The other reason it seems to go away from you is because it's actually cheaper for USPS to sometimes ship packages in bulk with another group of packages, and then have it come back...I have no idea how this works. But I suspect this is why the USPS is in danger of going bankrupt...
Keep an eye on it. If you see it continuously bouncing, check the zip code and call the most local post office.