I assume it's coming tomorrow so I'll post some. I got a HT Scarlett Witch body I plan on using.
those shoulder pads looks small, good thing i bought 2, can work on enlarging the pair.
My supplier told me mine would arrive in two months! Oh well, more time to prep for a body and head repaint. I think the sculpt looks good but the paint is horrible and throwing the look off.
It's okay in normal viewing circumstances. certain angles and lightings aren't flattering, but you can make it work. I'm looking at her right now and she looks pretty good on the shelf. Definitely swapping the body though. I think I'm going to go with one of these two.The tan one (top body) seems to match pretty well. The Quiet body I posted earlier is what they call "pale" and it doesn't match very well. We shall seeeeee.
It's okay in normal viewing circumstances. certain angles and lightings aren't flattering, but you can make it work. I'm looking at her right now and she looks pretty good on the shelf. Definitely swapping the body though. I think I'm going to go with one of these two.The tan one (top body) seems to match pretty well. The Quiet body I posted earlier is what they call "pale" and it doesn't match very well. We shall seeeeee.
I didn’t know t.b. was Phicen now any reason why they rebranded ?