Me, angry? At a troll with an opinion?

People like to complain about these movies but the numbers speak for themselves. Somehow I suspect that probably half of the people that complain(opinions) about it secretly watch every one of them and dare enjoy parts of them.
They're not great or even good sometimes but they're not the worst thing out there and considering the subject material (more zombies!!!!!), believe it or not, it could be a lot worse.
It's not like Capcom themselves are being brilliant with the story-lines in their games either atm(Example Rachel). Even they squandered all the intrigue that was originally behind the games. With little back story or anything.
For the record, I don't really care about your opnion these movies but they're not godawful. There's plenty of movies that are sadly far worse than these. My taste in movies is none of your concern. Anyway, I'm done explaining myself to you.