Finally, I've got my custom 12" Ray stanz Ghostbuster finished. I have changed the body and head for a ttl 1.0 body (perfect with the hands and feet) and Vartal´s head (resculpted hair and paint by me)
the question is if i would have to distress the suit for a hard work day
Headsculpt---vartal (paint by me)
Body---ttl 2.0 (maybe a bit tall for him)
Cross of coronado (a gift from my dear friend Harryford Jones)
Khorn, depends of the characteristic effect eye I want to search I usually include them in the eyes or not, like the case of Mij thriller or Ray. In other cases, as Marcus, the patches light you think to see drawn are natural, depends from the surface uniformity of the paint in this area, worst when the layers are more thick