Re: Return of the Helms are now a reality!!! New 1:4 Helms from Weta (post 32)
From Daniel Falconer at Weta:
Yes, sadly that was the one compromise we had to make. Ideally they'd be the same in every way to what went before, but the economics of today are simply not what they were a decade ago when we started doing the Helms. We certainly looked at making them in metal again, but the cost would have been much higher and we didn't feel that would be viable for this product.
We had to let something go and we felt that, in the scheme of things, providing the same level of detail could be achieved (or possibly even improved upon), the material was less important than maintaining consistency in the scale and aesthetic. So, it is our intention that it should look indistinguishable from the past helms as much as possible, but when you might notice the difference would be when picking it up.
Speaking for myself, that only occurs when I dust my collection, so we hope it won't be a deal breaker for most folks, but I appreciate for some that was an important element in the old line. Wish we could have done it, but something had to give.
Thanks to everyone who has supported the return of the Helms! I'm thrilled they're back. I'll be placing my order as well!