Re: Return of the Helms are now a reality!!! New 1:4 Helms from Weta (post 32)
I ordered as well. If they can provide a base that is very similar to the originals, it will be a HUGE plus. Looking forward to seeing how the quality stands up with the change in material. At least it's still an
affordable line (for me) at this time.
Well i never hold my helms when they're on display, so as long as it looks cool, which it does, i'm not too worried.
I didn't realize they weren't metal. The old ones had such a nice weight to them.
However, I look at my collectibles, not hold or play with them. Once they are out of the box and on the shelf, that's where they stay.
I agree. As a matter of fact, with the rising costs of petrolium based products, I think plastic should not have been utilized either. Weta should have gone green and used bio-degradable materials...
Sorry for the sarcasm, but I just don't understand this excuse/explanation. It's not a matter of if one is going to "play" with them or not. The metal material added to the perceived value of these particular pieces, by giving them both heft and the coolness factor that they were made from the same materials as the original props (more or less...)
Quick question(s): Then why waste time/money with polystone on the other lines? Why not make the environments, statues, etc., completely from plastics as well?
It's just discouraging to see prices rising and materials cheapening.
Doubling the price and not even metal sucks..
It has been almost 10 years since the original line commenced, so I wouldn't have expected the same price point for this new line. But not even being metal definitely raises an eyebrow on the price point and I find it disappointing as well.
The one plus I must say is the ES......thank goodness
It's nice to see a decent ES but I unless the scalpers come out in full force, I don't see this selling out soon.