Oh, and to answer a few of the questions from earlier in the thread, Wikipedia has a list of all Revoltechs released so far:
And yes, they are usually super poseable, in fact I can't think of an action figure range that has anything like the poseability of the Revoltech line. You can go from this extreme:
To this:
Because of the ratcheted joints, they hold their position indefinitely. Plus, they usually come with a stand so you can pull off this sort of pose:
And they usually come with a ton of alternate hands, weapons etc.
Basically, they're awesome. What amazes me about this Alien figure though, is just what a fantastic sculpt it is. I was expecting something fairly stylized, but this looks spot on, especially at the scale. And the poses will be incredibly natural, you guys just wait.
Oh go on then, one more pic!
Love 'em!