-Super Hans-
Super Freak
It really is superb. Considering the size and the need for the Revoltech joints it's pretty damn accurate as well, wouldn't you say?
yes... I would say

It really is superb. Considering the size and the need for the Revoltech joints it's pretty damn accurate as well, wouldn't you say?
yes... I would say. looks alot better than hot toys version anyway
That's pretty much why I'm interested.
If they ever did human characters from the movies, I hope they make the effort to make them a bit smaller, if all previous Revoltech figures are the same size.
Revoltech figures aren't in scale with each other generally (hence a multi-storey Mecha and a Street Fighter character are both about 5" tall), but I would think that they would be in scale with other figures from within the same franchise. In other words yes, a colonial Marine should be shorter than the Alien.
I really do hope that if they make more human characters (at least, human characters related to the Alien film), they'll scale them down a bit. I don't see that happening. It would be a bit easier for them to scale the Alien Revoltech up a bit more.
Revoltech figures aren't in scale with each other generally (hence a multi-storey Mecha and a Street Fighter character are both about 5" tall), but I would think that they would be in scale with other figures from within the same franchise. In other words yes, a colonial Marine should be shorter than the Alien.
This alien release must mean only one thing ..... predators are coming soon !!!!
I don't consider Revoltechs cheap. You're paying $25-30+ for a 4-5 inch toy. They have good paint apps and come with great accessories, but that's a relatively high price. They are getting more expensive, actually.