Glad to see the Queen look so awesome, I find myself really eager about the Predator though.
The queen seems to be 7.5 - 8 inch max..
And the pred is bigger, almost double, nice.
Some pics, white plastic with balljoints.
Some pics, white plastic with balljoints.
The Pred is not double the size of the Queen.
So, the Queen and the Pred will be about the same size.
I don't follow you (quite understand it), look at the photo's in your own post #4. The predator reaches the plank/board (behind preds head) with ease. And the queen is way down there (I guess 60% of pred). Even when the angle of the taken pics aren't 100% the same.
You could also compare them with the 'bigger of the two' text-card (the red-orange flames ones) at the table next to both of them (99% sure those cards have the same size also). IMO..