Robert Rodriguez to do a new Predator reboot...

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Sounds very cool!
Looking forward to hearing more about this. Could be a while tough, with all the projects the dude listed...
Hmm don't know what to think about this. I hope he atleast stays true to the design of the creature.
Nice. This has potential for sweet, sweet awesomeness written all over it. I'd love to hear the pitch for the new story. Aint It Cool News mentioned that Rodriguez wrote a script for a Predator reboot (with the same title) about ten years back. ( And that story had the Predators rounding up all the people (and presumably creatures) who'd beaten them in the past and taking them to the Predator homeworld for a tournament.

Predator meets Gladiator? Hell, I'd pay $10 bucks to see that!

If only Schwarzenegger was 20 years younger. And not otherwise occupied with his day job.

And here's hoping Fox has the good sense to let a real special effects house (like the good folks at Stan Winston Studios) handle the effects work instead of letting Rodriguez do it all himself Spy Kids-style!

I'm keeping all my crossables crossed that this turns out to be as awesome as it can!
Potential for awesome... I juts hope it's not a "wipe the slate clean" reboot, but rather a new (but good) self-contained story

Yeah, why even call it a reboot. There is plenty of room for more Pred movies without it interfering in existing stories. "Predators" sounds awesome just like "Aliens".

so long as it ignores the avp cross-over garbage, i'm in.

I was so totally of that mind until Hot Toys released the Machiko figure and I read the books (not comics). It got me in the mindset to appreciate the AVP movies, surprisingly, but especially AVP 1. Now I just see it as another race of Predators doing their thing, kinda like the difference between Americans and Russians. We're all people on the same planet, but very different culturally. Why can't Preds have that going on on their world.

The whole influence on our ancient culture thing was a stretch, but I kinda dig AVP now as its own branch of the main tree, and I really wish that line of moives would go on into space adventures to include Machiko as well.
imo robert is perfect to reboot the predator franchise and i cant wait for his machete film either....just dont green screen predators mate lets have real locations and physical sets ok or im gonna hunt you down and make you suffer pinhead style you hear me!!! do hear me right?...ill do you man,ill do you real good man........:mwaha
You know what just struck me? With all the major studios now onboard with the technology, and so many big name A-list directors jumping head-first into the format ... a big budget Rodriguez-directed Predators movie would seem like a no-brainer for the 3D format.


As far as I'm concerned, that would pretty much be a big steaming bowl of Cool covered in Awesomeness Gravy!
Already a Date set??....

Predators are Coming July 7, 2010
Source: erc BoxOffice April 24, 2009

20th Century Fox has already set a July 7, 2010 release date for Robert Rodriguez's Predators, which the studio promises to be "a bold new chapter in the Predator universe."

Rodriguez officially announced the project just yesterday, calling the project "a reboot of the 'Predator' series." Rodriguez previously wrote a Predator 3 that was then discarded because it was "too big."

As far as competition, Paramount has The Last Airbender scheduled for a July 2, 2010 release and Universal Pictures is eyeing July 9, 2010 for Despicable Me.
Anyone want to speculate who will be doing the creature designs/effects this time around?

I'd love for Winston Studios to get on board.
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